不忘国耻振兴中华的演讲稿 不忘国耻振兴中华的演讲稿示例_不忘国耻振兴中华演讲稿

由网友(只等公子)分享简介:不忘国耻振兴中华演讲稿尊敬的评委老师,同学们,朋友们:dear judges, students and friends大家好!hello everyone!今年是我们伟大祖国的六十华诞,我心中永藏的信念被情感劈成了一条奔腾的河……this year is the 60th birthday of our great...



爱国演讲稿范文 不忘国耻,振兴中华

dear judges, students and friends


hello everyone!


this year is the 60th birthday of our great motherland. the faith that i have in my heart has been split into a surging river by emotion


our motherland has a long history, our motherland culture is brilliant, our motherland is rich in land, as the chinese people, i feel very proud and proud! we are proud that china is one of the four ancient civilizations! we are proud that china has five thousand years of splendid culture!


our chinese nation has made indelible contributions to the development of human beings, but our motherland also has a history of humiliation. especially in modern times, she is behind the times, she is weak. our mother has been ill for a hundred years. how many tears of sadness and indignation have chinese people shed in the past 100 years! in the past 100 years, how much fighting blood has been shed by chinese people! how many precious lives have the chinese sacrificed in the past 100 years!


here comes the british. shamelessly, they came not with friendship, but with drugs and opium. they opened china's door with their foreign guns and guns. here comes the british french alliance, savage! the robbers came not with peace, but with the heart of robbery. they burned down yuanmingyuan, the treasure of the civilized world.


here comes the portuguese, disgusting! a small country with a population of more than 400 million has also cut off a macao from the birthplace of china! here comes the most brutal and shameless japanese. they want not only our belongings, but also our land, and even our country! among all the imperialist countries that bully china, the japanese invade us the longest, cause us the most harm and disaster! they have been tyrannical in china for eight years. they have killed all, burned all and robbed all. where are they? they are two legged beasts!


why is it that our motherland is suffering so much? why is it that we chinese are abused and bullied? because we are behind!


as time goes by, the sleeping lion has already awakened. we stride forward in the world, and stand tall in the east of the world!


the qinghai tibet railway extends your wisdom, shenzhou 7 listens to your sweet snoring, the south china sea fleet escort your blue territory, the beijing olympic games shows your confident demeanor! when the financial crisis hit, you took your time to deal with it, and your responsibilities left the western powers helpless.


wenchuan earthquake, mountain collapse. sars is rampant, freezing snow disaster. in times of crisis, the chinese people are not afraid. if one side is in trouble, support from all sides. the chinese people bravely defeated natural and man-made disasters. just ask, which country in the world is as united as the chinese people?


french president nicolas sarkozy shakes the towering china with obscene tricks. are we holding back? no, god seven, the olympic games are successful! mr. sarkozy, your calculation is wrong. china is not the past china. to be the enemy of the chinese people is to throw stones at their own feet. rebiya kadeer, the xinjiang independent, you deceive, overthrow black and white, just people will not believe your lies, want to split our great motherland, you dream!


today, our great motherland is prosperous and peaceful. but we must not forget the history of humiliation and the lesson that "if we fall behind, we will be beaten".


ah! mother country! this year is your 60th birthday. i wish you all the best in my heart. i wish you a happy birthday and a higher level every year!


take off - motherland, the 21st century is your stage! let's shout "never forget the national humiliation, revitalize china"!

不忘国耻振兴中华的演讲稿 不忘国耻振兴中华的演讲稿示例












students, in the 21st century, in the prosperous and strong new china, we will not forget that decades ago, the japanese aggressions on our country made so many people in deep water, made the chinese people suffer a great shame, made every heroic life disappear in the battlefield of huangsha, and made countless good rivers and mountains fall in a few years


on july 7, 1937, japanese imperialism launched the "july 7 lugouqiao incident" which shocked china and foreign countries. since then, the chinese people have embarked on a difficult journey of anti japanese war. the anti japanese war lasted for eight years. the revolutionary forefathers defeated the japanese imperialism with their iron will and fearless spirit, and with their indomitable and united strength. however, the chinese people also paid a tragic price: zhao shangzhi, liu hulan and a large number of outstanding chinese communist party members gave their lives for this. the anti japanese war has become a painful historical memory of our country, with hatred and humiliation engraved in the hearts of the chinese people.


the chinese people will never forget the eight years of anti japanese war in history, the september 18th incident of 1931, the nanjing massacre of december 13th, 1937, the unequal treaties that the chinese government was forced to sign, which made china from a great country to a worthless one, or the british french allied forces on october 6th, 1860 breaking into the yuanmingyuan, they have taken away many rare treasures, chinese famous calligraphy and painting, etc. on october 18 and 19, 1860, the united kingdom and france set fire to the summer palace, turning the world's largest museum, art museum and the most beautiful building into ashes.


60 years ago, although the flames of war have been exhausted. but history can't forget that the patriotism spirit of the chinese people is still the most precious wealth of our time.


students, we are the hope of our motherland. only if we study hard and work hard can our motherland become more and more prosperous and developed.
















dear students, dear teachers, hello! the topic of my speech today is "don't forget the national humiliation, revitalize china"!


as you all know, china once had a history of humiliation. the foreign aggressors are domineering and reckless in china's land and have committed indelible and heinous crimes. nanjing massacre, drag a heavy pace after 70 years. how can we forget that day 70 years ago, the hateful japanese burned, killed and looted in china. in a short week, 350000 innocent people in nanjing have become victims of the crazy bayonet. they have no ability to resist and let the aggressors vent cruelly on them. yuanmingyuan, the largest museum and art gallery in the contemporary world, was thus ransacked by the british and french allied forces and burned down by a fire. how much hard work and wisdom do our chinese people have in it. all those ferocious expressions and wild smiles reveal their inhuman bodies!


on august 15, 1945, japanese imperialism was forced to surrender unconditionally. after eight years of bloody fighting, the chinese people washed away the humiliation of being beaten for one hundred years, won the great victory of the war of resistance against japan, and saved the national dignity of our chinese people. the chinese nation has become a nation bearing heavy pressure of imperialism and feudalism, known as the "sick man of east asia", standing proudly in the east of the world, a nation that attracts the world's attention. the dark clouds were cleared and the motherland ushered in a dawn.


this year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the anti japanese war. looking at the five-star red flag that rises with zhaoxia every day, who can forget the great national sacrifice china made 70 years ago in order to defeat the japanese fascist? for the sake of the completion of the territory of the motherland and the dignity of the nation, the soldiers went on and on, throwing their heads and blood. how can we forget that they have traded their blood for today's peace?


today, we live in a peaceful and stable society, but we can't forget the situation that we were going to be beaten when we were backward and the national humiliation. the ancients said: "born in trouble, died in ease." only by keeping the national humiliation in mind, taking this as the driving force, striving to be strong, learning more excelsior, not afraid of hardship, willing to work hard, reporting the belief of "learning for the rise of china", and developing in an all-round way in virtue, wisdom, body, beauty and labor, can we shoulder the task of building the motherland. chinese people's suffering and struggle, seeking and striving, entrepreneurship and fighting, all singing and crying, inspire people today, tell future generations, never forget the past, the teacher of the future. the profound understanding and promotion of the national spirit, the recollection and rejuvenation of the achievements of the forefathers will certainly flow into a powerful power for china's socialist modernization.


we are the successors of the 21st century, and we will go through the exercise again and again, and take a steady and firm step to move forward to a bright future. finally, let's shout "never forget the national humiliation, revitalize china"!



time flies like an arrow, and time flies. facing this great country which is pregnant with "new life", it seems that a prosperous scene will flash in our mind at once. but although the future is beautiful, can we gradually forget the past humiliation and infinite struggle with the flow of time? "no!" as a chinese, we should never forget that sad time. the chinese nation is a bright nation with more than 5000 years of history and culture. from the sale of cigarettes in humen to the eight year anti japanese war, how has our ever-growing nation come step by step. from zheng chenggong's recovery of taiwan to hong kong's return, we in china have experienced many hardships and hardships before winning the glorious harvest of fruitful fruits.


students, china's territory is absolutely not allowed to be trampled and spanided by the aggressors. if we want to get rid of the humiliation, we must revitalize china. the only way to revitalize china is to strengthen its national strength, increase its prestige and increase its talents. china's humiliation can't be said for three days and nights. for example, hong kong has been china's territory since ancient times. in 1840, britain launched the opium war and forced the qing government to sign the treaty of nanjing in 1842 to cede hong kong island permanently. in 1898, britain forced the qing government to sign a special article on expanding hong kong's boundary to lease a large area of land and more than 200 nearby islands on the kowloon peninsula. another example: in 1894, japan invaded korea and provoked china, causing the sino japanese war of 1894. because of the corruption and incompetence of the qing government, it was forced to sign the unequal treaty of humiliating the country in 1895. taiwan was ceded to japan and ruled by the japanese invaders for 50 years! during their reign, they enslaved the people of taiwan to learn japanese by means of military occupation, economic plunder, enslavement and education, and were unable to learn the national language. these two are more familiar to people, and people are not familiar with. for example, the old summer palace in beijing is rich in antique, rich and colorful scenery. it is the gem of chinese garden art and the essence of architectural art. it is known as the garden of wan yuan. therefore, the british and french coalition forces not only want to eat this fat meat, but also destroy the world. so much humiliation is the chinese people's millennium nightmare.


students, a strong nation has finally stood forever on the earth in the east, and a sleeping master has finally roared to the world. let us always remember that the weak country will be bullied, the broken country will lead to the death of the family, and the backward country will be beaten. students, let's not forget the national humiliation and revitalize china!



teachers and students:


the title of my speech is "don't forget national humiliation, revitalize china"


students, i think you all know the incident of the british french invasion of the old summer palace in beijing on october 6, 1860! they take away all the things that can be taken away from the yuanmingyuan; if they can't take them, they carry them with animals; if they can't take them, they destroy them at will. on october 18 and 19, they set fire to the old summer palace to destroy the evidence. this artistic treasure and the essence of architectural art are turned into ashes. now we are left with only a few isolated pillars and endless regret and anger.


on september 18, 1931, the japanese kanto army made the "liutiao lake incident", that is, the september 18 incident. let the people of the whole country fall into deep suffering. during the week of september 18-25, 1931, guandong army occupied 30 cities in liaoning and jilin provinces, and totally controlled 12 railway lines.


in addition to nanman and anfong, the japanese controlled railways also controlled the north (ping) ning (shenyang), the middle east (from harbin west to manzhouli east to suifen henan to changchun), shen (yang) hai (long), si (ping) tao (an), ji (lin) chang (chun), ji (lin) dun (hua), da (hu shan) tong (liao), tao (an) ang (anxi), ji (lin) hai (long) and ying (kou) gou (bangzi) lines to varying degrees.


shenyang is the military base of our country, which was occupied in less than half a day. they didn't attack and occupy it, but we gave it to them. here we can see how cowardly we were in china at that time. we had no strength to help chickens with our hands.


in june 1840, britain launched the opium war. in january 1841, british troops occupied hong kong island.


those who have read the book and movie "nanjing massacre" will never forget the ferocity of the japanese. they have killed nearly 300000 people, including the elderly, women and children. the japanese also hold a killing competition to see who kills more. they are animals in the movie. only animals can do these things.


the pain that foreign invaders left us is deeply engraved in our hearts. until now, the japanese have not given up and are still thinking of invading china. koizumi, the former prime minister of japan, went to visit the shrine and many countries expressed dissatisfaction. i feel that he looks down on us chinese people at all. sooner or later, we will make him look up to others. now china's science and technology are becoming more and more developed. shenzhou v and shenzhou vi have successively flown into space. i believe that china will certainly be more developed in the future. students, we are the new pillars of the 21st century, the new flowers of the motherland, we must work hard to make the motherland better. "don't forget the national humiliation and revitalize china!" let this sentence be remembered in our hearts, never forget, and inspire us to work hard.


my speech is over.

不忘国耻 振兴中华





























