
由网友(爱是用心的么。)分享简介:《建国大业》观后感看完了《建国大业》这部电影,觉得现在的生活来之不易,是老一辈的革命家用鲜血换来的。我们更应该珍惜现在美好的一切。after watching the movie "founding of the people's republic of china", i feel that the life now...



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after watching the movie "founding of the people's republic of china", i feel that the life now is hard won, and it is the blood of the older generation of revolutionaries. we should cherish all the good things now.


first of all, i want to say that it's quite good to go to the cinema.


"the founding of the people's republic of china" as a film dedicated to the motherland for 60 years is quite good. i'm not talking about the number of stars, but the overall layout of its story, the overall grasp of its rhythm and its overall atmosphere are quite good.


from the successful chongqing talks of the anti japanese war to the founding ceremony of the new china, all kinds of changes and disputes among the communist party, the kuomintang and various democratic parties have been unfolded in the middle four years. some people said after watching the movie, it seems a bit hasty, and each period passed a little too fast. i can only say that it is quite difficult for anyone to show the panoramic process of the founding of the people's republic in two hours. han sanping's way of expression is acceptable, at least i accepted it.


in addition to the specific performance, chairman jiang of zhang guoli is undoubtedly "amazing". when there is a gap in the body, he can use his face and his heart to portray the characters, which is worth adding points. song qingling and song meiling's two song sisters did quite well. the image of the mother of the country is calm and self-confident, and the image of honor and disgrace is deep in my heart. song meiling has worked hard for the party and the country. the explosion of wang xueqi's career can't be stopped by anyone! in addition, all the famous guest stars didn't disgrace themselves.


besides, since tang guoqiang developed to play chairman mao, i think it's basically like that. it's amazing to see him for the first time in the long march, but all the later films and tv series including the great cause of the founding of the people's republic, i don't think there's any progress, maybe this is the ultimate? maybe chairman mao is really like this? maybe it's aesthetic fatigue? we don't know. liu jin and other special actors have made little progress in their performances under the requirements of the script. one of the characteristics of the film is undoubtedly the new and admirable impression of the leaders of the democratic parties and the charm of the personalities of the main leaders such as the nld and the democratic revolution. the guest stars of zhen zidan, zhao wei, feng gong, zhang ziyi, miao pu, guo degang, etc. all play their own roles. it can be said that their roles can be played without bigwigs. the addition of bigwigs can be said to be jin shangtian


the most unforgettable thing is that after the battle of huaihai, chairman mao, zhou enlai, ren bishi, zhu de and other heads of state we love heard that our army won the battle. at that moment, four men who changed the history of china, four men who changed the fate of china, drank together and sang together, which made people very touched. at that moment, chairman mao said that there would be no war to the north of the yangtze river. at that moment, the suffering they experienced for decades, the recollection of scenes, burst out their feelings. five times of encirclement and suppression, breaking through the blockade line, the vast snow mountains and the long grassland. countless people's lives have brought this revolutionary turning point. let them no longer control their feelings, singing, drinking, crying, laughing and jumping.


my eyes are moist and my heart is surging.


after the liberation of shanghai, our soldiers were tired of fighting, did not occupy the houses, and slept on the road in good order. song qingling saw and saw why the communist party of china would win. this is our dearest one.


there are also countless revolutionaries who have devoted their lives to the holding of the cppcc conference. they traded their blood for the birth of new china.


chairman mao stood on the tower of tian'anmen city and solemnly said, "the people's republic of china, the central people's government, has been established today!!! everyone is boiling.". since then, the chinese people have turned over to be masters and set foot on a better and better tomorrow.


on taiwan's side, it is the sad figure of chiang kai-shek who is lonely.


our life is hard won, and we should cherish it even more. because it's blood.







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美国商业大亨传奇观后感 美国商业大亨传奇观后感3000



2、 上篇文章的最后有提到洛克菲勒另外一个竞争对手,就是联合船长一起打击洛克菲勒的另外一个火车大王斯科特。

3、 斯科特在大萧条之后,打算建造自己的石油管道,从而进军石油行业,以此来与洛克菲勒抗衡。

4、 但洛克菲勒最讨厌的就是竞争,他要的是垄断,而不是竞争。

美国商业大亨传奇观后感 美国商业大亨传奇观后感3000

5、 与之前洛克菲勒与斯科特签订运输协议一样,这次,斯科特又带着卡内基来到洛克菲勒家里,洛克菲勒这次是非常愤怒和不爽的,他指责,斯科特侵犯了他的领土,并威胁斯科特,如果不暂停修建输油管道,那么洛克菲勒的部分管道通不到的地方,将交给其他铁路公司运输。

6、 但斯科特手上就是有一张牌,那个地方,只有他家的铁路在运营,没有其他公司的铁路。

7、 斯科特对这场战役信心十足,但洛克菲勒也不是善茬,他节俭,慷慨,但在面对竞争对手,面对行业竞争时,又显得冷酷无情。

8、 斯科特的铁路运输着洛克菲勒石油管道到不了的地方,在匹兹堡到宾夕法尼亚之间,斯科特怎么也不会想到,洛克菲勒做了一个非常人能做的决定。

9、 为了打击斯科特,他不让他们的石油运送一滴到宾夕法尼亚,甚至关掉了在匹兹堡的炼油厂。

10、 这一招明显是伤敌一千自损八百的做法,因为关掉匹兹堡的炼油厂,洛克菲勒的标准石油公司的收入将大幅降低。

11、 但对于洛克菲勒来说,击败对手,比什么都重要。

12、 没有了洛克菲勒的石油,斯科特损失了近一半的生意,这迫使他裁掉了成千上万的工人,并大幅度减工资。

13、 这些工人在街头抗议,并放火烧毁了斯特克的火车站,有超过1200个车厢被烧毁,斯科特的公司成了一片废墟,他破产倒闭了,并在不久之后去世,而他去世时,几乎已经没有任何家产了。

14、 安德鲁卡内基可以算是斯科特的学生,最得力的助手,在斯科特与洛克菲勒达成协议以及撕破脸的两次重要会面,卡内基都陪同。

15、 卡内基出身在一个贫困的家庭,12岁就出来工作养家糊口,是斯科特给了他大量的就会,培养他,所以,于他而言,斯科特是恩师般的存在。

美国商业大亨传奇观后感 美国商业大亨传奇观后感3000

16、 片中有一位大亨评价斯科特和卡内基的关系时,说得很中肯,很有启发作用:和绝大部分成功的年轻人一样,幸运是一个原因还有时机,除了时机之外还有一点,这些年轻人,往往都有一名导师,一位恩人。

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18、 斯科特是卡内基的导师,恩人,伯乐,所以他的去世让卡内基沉痛万分,他将洛克菲勒当做仇人,他要帮助恩师完成遗愿,他要击败洛克菲勒。




reading and pulling the text of the founding ceremony makes me proud. the parade in the text is so spectacular! all kinds of equipment, all kinds of troops and all kinds of colors are magnificent and impressive! when i read this part of the text, i was deeply moved by people's great pride in the founding of new china.


at the beginning of the founding ceremony, tiananmen square was already a sea of people. at 3pm, chairman mao appeared on the rostrum. three hundred thousand people cast their eyes on the rostrum. then the national flag was raised, the five-star red flag was slowly raised, and 300000 people sang the loud national anthem together! after a while, the parade began with two platoons of the navy, followed by a spanision of infantry and a spanision of artillery. then there was a big plane. at that time, people saw so many planes. in fact, there were not so many, but some of them flew twice.


how small the army was at the beginning, and how powerful the army is now; there used to be only infantry spanision, artillery spanision, chariot spanision and cavalry spanision, with a total of 16400 people. now land, sea, air, second artillery, armed police and local armed forces represent all the components of our armed forces. this national day parade is of a grand scale and spectacular scene. this


all of these reflect the style of our military's powerful spanision, and let us know the rapid development of china's construction. time after time military parade, time after time progress, shows that our country is gradually moving towards a new era of modernization.


i am proud that i am chinese; i am proud of the founding of new china; i am proud of the future of our country!



on the national day, we are very happy, and the teacher is very happy. on this day of celebration, the history teacher gave us a historical film, called the founding ceremony, which is a gift for us as the national day. we're happier.


this film mainly talks about the struggle between the communist party of china and the kuomintang after the victory of the anti japanese war, that is, the liberation war. at first, the kuomintang had an absolute advantage. its weapons and equipment were much better than that of the communist party, its troops were more than that of the communist party, and its population was more than that of the communist party. moreover, the kuomintang had many cities and railway lines. the communist party only owned small towns and remote villages. in this way, the kuomintang is sure to win. but the communist party is supported by the masses, which the kuomintang cannot match. after two years of struggle, the communist party of china had a slight advantage. then, the communist party of china launched three world-famous campaigns. the main force of the kuomintang was basically eliminated. then, the communist party of china, with a million heroes, crossed the yangtze river and captured nanjing. then, in peiping, mao zedong solemnly announced the founding of the people's republic of china and held a solemn military parade.


after watching this film, i feel that there is no new china without the communist party and no life without new china. we should cherish our present life and study hard to contribute to our country. however, now many people feel that life is happy, and now it's a peaceful time. don't study so hard, just enjoy your happiness. this view is wrong. if we don't study hard, how can we make our country richer and stronger? maybe there is no war now, but surely there will be no war in the future? how can we catch up with the progress of society if we continue to be calm? can we make the corruption of qing dynasty repeat? my friends, study hard and contribute to our country.



october 1, 1949, what a great day! what an unusual day in history! this indicates the founding of the people's republic of china and the rise of the chinese people, who make up a quarter of the world's population! the ceremony expressed the chinese people's incomparable pride and emotion for the birth of new china, and also showed the leaders of the founders of the people's republic of china, especially mao zedong.


after watching the movie, i can't calm down for a long time. yeah! october 1, 1949, what a great day! what an unusual day in history! this indicates the founding of the people's republic of china and the rise of the chinese people, who make up a quarter of the world's population! the ceremony expressed the chinese people's incomparable pride and emotion for the birth of new china, and also showed the leaders of the founders of the people's republic of china, especially mao zedong.


let's open the history of yellowness. what do we see? in 1840, foreign powers joined in the war of plundering china's wealth. with the opium war, china was reduced to a semi colonial and semi feudal society. the sharp increase of opium import led to the outflow of a large amount of silver in china, and greatly damaged the essence and physiology of opium users. soon, the japanese landed in china and killed more than 300000 compatriots in nanjing. they also held a brutal killing competition. suddenly, the red army led by chairman mao spent eight years the hard anti japanese war finally drove the japanese invaders out of china.


finally... finally... the first five-star red flag was raised in tian'anmen square. the disgraceful hat of the sick man of east asia was finally thrown away by us. our great motherland began to realize the dream of river and mountain reconstruction!


however, we should understand that as a student, we are the builders of a strong motherland in the future. one day, our predecessors will give us the baton in their things with great expectation. we should be able to accept this arduous and glorious task.


liang qichao once said that if you are young and strong, then your country will be strong; if you are young and rich, then your country will be rich. if you are young and stand in the world, then your country will stand in the world! we should learn like our revolutionary predecessors. learn from mao zedong's rich wisdom, patriotism and love for the people, zhou enlai's bravery and wisdom, and yue fei's loyalty to serve the country although today we don't need to be baptized by the war and worry about the fall of our land, we have responsibilities and obligations to contribute to the construction of our motherland.


may the pearl of the east be asia's soaring dragon and the rising sun on the distant horizon. we will always miss chairman mao, the great leader. what he has done is unthinkable to the chinese people. the motherland is in your heart, the motherland is in my heart. take off in china!



today is the 60th anniversary of the motherland. the chinese people all over the world are very happy and encouraged. and i'm sitting in front of the tv with excitement.


in tian'an gate of beijing, a grand military parade was held. hundreds of thousands of soldiers formed a neat square, hundreds of thousands of primary school students with bright flowers in their hands formed a square, thousands of band officers and soldiers lined up to wait for the start of the ceremony. here are the names of all ethnic groups. the top leaders of the state are standing on the top of tian'anmen city. it's grand and may have a deeper feeling at the scene.


at 10 o'clock, the parade officially began. when the three armed forces in uniform walk through tiananmen square, when the military vehicles and tanks carrying modern weapons pass slowly, when more than 100 aircraft including fighters, bombers, gas tankers and helicopters cross the blue sky, especially when the commentators say that these weapons are developed in china, as a chinese, pride arises spontaneously. now china's weapons have made amazing progress compared with 10 years ago. with such armament facilities, how can china not become a modern power?


in recent years, the development of china's economy and politics has been reflected. the application of modern technology has also added a lot of luster to the military parade.


as chinese, we are proud, we are proud. come on, motherland, we love you!



i watched the movie "the founding ceremony" with great excitement. at this moment, my heart surged. when i look back, i can't help but cry when i look back at the shocking battles and see the power of china today. i was deeply impressed by the spirit of the chinese dragon. i want to shout to the world, "long live china"!


china's growth is bumpy but extraordinary. every step of her life will benefit the 1.3 billion chinese people! before 1949, china was in the darkness of war and smoke. the chinese people yearned for freedom, peace and happiness. so, they hold the steel gun in their hands, resolutely refute it, bursting with the power of a rock. finally, in 1949, the chinese people made concerted efforts to shoot bullets into the heart of the enemy, completely overthrowing imperialism and kuomintang reactionaries. the chinese people have won and achieved freedom, peace and happiness.


the chinese people are waiting, looking forward, looking forward to the arrival of october 1, 1949. finally, mao zedong solemnly announced in an impassioned tone on the tiananmen gate tower that "the central people's government of the people's republic of china has been established". this sonorous speech penetrated the whole river through the radio. then there was the military parade of the chinese army and navy, which saw only chinese athletes with high spirits and high morale. this is a new era of chinese history, and it is lingguo (official document encyclopedia www. gwdq. since then, the chinese people have stood up and become the masters of the country. www. 68mn.


now the eastern dragon has begun to take off, to a higher level. she hovers on the sky with her vigorous posture, wise brain, iron will and pride. at this moment, she is the focus of the world's attention and the darling of heaven. since then, the world has polished their eyes and began to take a new look at this extraordinary oriental dragon.


long live china!


