字preSS自定义查询字符串和放大器; pretty的网址 - 如何?自定义、放大器、字符串、网址

由网友(其实俄们都伤不起)分享简介:我的新网站字preSS一个完美的(到目前为止)设置。在pretty的网址是否按预期工作。I have a perfectly good (so far) setup of wordpress of for a new website. The pretty urls are working as expected....


I have a perfectly good (so far) setup of wordpress of for a new website. The pretty urls are working as expected.


I have 1 dynamic page that loads content depending on the querystring:


我想提出这个网址pretty的很好,但每一次我修改不进行任何更改。htaccess的。尝试一切,一派一切 - 最后的手段。如果我能得到如下的工作,那么我会很高兴。

I wish to make this URL "pretty" as well but every-time I modify the .htaccess no changes are made. Tried everything and googled everything else - last resort. If I could get the following to work then I would be happy.


I need to make the URL look like.



Adding this to any .htaccess breaks the whole website.

RewriteRule /dynamic/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/$ /dynamic?$1=$2&$3=$4


What am i missing.




不要重写规则添加到您的的.htaccess 文件。字preSS管理的文件给你,所以尝试时,您可以使用内置的功能。

Don't add the rewrite rule to your .htaccess file. WordPress manages that file for you, so try to use built-in features whenever you can.

字preSS实际上有一种高级重写引擎船舶标准 - 这是可插拔就像平台的其余部分。

WordPress actually has a somewhat advanced rewrite engine that ships standard - and it's pluggable just like the rest of the platform.

这一招,不过,正与它。您需要注册您的正则表达式等等话语preSS知道什么类型的字符串匹配(即动态/位置/(.*)/$ C $Ç/(.*) => /动态$ LOC = $ 1安培; code = $ 2 )。然后,你需要设置的页面和文字上的后端处理提交。

The trick, though, is working with it. You'll need to register your RegEx so WordPress knows what kinds of strings to match (i.e dynamic/location/(.*)/code/(.*) => /dynamic?$loc=$1&code=$2). Then you'll need to set up the page and script on the back end to handle the submission.


For a similar example, look at the answer I received to parsing custom URLs with a custom post type over on WordPress Answers. Extending this, you'll need to set up code similar to the following (note: untested!!!):

add_action('init', 'add_my_rewrite');

function add_my_rewrite() {
    global $wp_rewrite;
    $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(false);  // This should really be done in a plugin activation

本的应该的补充重写结构,以你的的.htaccess 文件自动。

This should add the rewrite structure to your .htaccess file automatically.


