
由网友(不过如此)分享简介:这似乎是一个普遍的要求,但我一直没能找到做这样的事情明确的说明。This seems like a common request, but I haven't been able to find definitive instructions on doing something like this.我想一个子域触...


This seems like a common request, but I haven't been able to find definitive instructions on doing something like this.


I'd like a subdomain to trigger a certain controller on my CI installation. For example:

students.mysite.com :将打开 mysite.com/students (技术上: mysite.com/index.php/students 。 控制器:的学生)

students.mysite.com : would open mysite.com/students (technically: mysite.com/index.php/students. controller: students)

teachers.mysite.com :将打开 mysite.com/teachers


While preserving the subdomain when traversing deeper. For example:

students.mysite.com/help :将打开 mysite.com/students/help (控制器的学生() ,方法的帮助())

students.mysite.com/help/contact :   将打开的 mysite.com/students/help/contact (控制器的学生(),方法的帮助(),参数的联系人)

students.mysite.com/help/contact : would open mysite.com/students/help/contact (controller: students(), method: help(), argument: "contact")

students.mysite.com/help/contact/email :   将打开的 mysite.com/students/help/contact (控制器的学生(),方法的帮助(),参数的联系人,电子邮件)

students.mysite.com/help/contact/email : would open mysite.com/students/help/contact (controller: students(), method: help(), arguments: "contact", "email")

我知道 something.mysite.com 现在返回一个错误。所以我想:

I realize that something.mysite.com right now returns an error. So I figure:

第1步将允许 anything.mysite.com 返回根(mysite.com/index.php)

Step 1 would be allowing anything.mysite.com to return the root (mysite.com/index.php)


Step 2 would be reading the subdomain and calling that controller


Step 3 would be reading the first argument after the first "/" and calling that method of the controller, and passing the remaining url parts as arguments

我想我真的很为难位于第1步。我在一个共享的托管帐户,这事我可以通过的cPanel 吗?我尝试添加一个子域的 *。mysite.com 没有任何的运气(除非我只需要等待更长的时间传播史,但我觉得机会是较高的,我听错了)。

I guess really I'm stumped at Step 1. I'm on a shared hosting account, is this something I can do via CPanel? I tried adding a subdomain for *.mysite.com without any luck (unless I just needed to wait longer for propogation, but I feel the chances are higher that I got it wrong).


Back on my home WAMP installation, I'd change up httpd.conf, right? Can I acheive this effect without modifying that file (since I probably can't, since I'm shared using webhostinghub.com)

呼,感谢您的时间! - 基思

Phew, thanks for your time! - Keith


当你想使用一个特定的域导致你的控制器,我想出了用的是应用程序/配置/路由.PHP 文件来实现它。这个想法是负载不同的控制器取决于你用​​什么子域,因此,而不是写的路线列表为您的域名,你写的路线取决于你访问该域名的列表:

As you want to use a particular domain to lead to your controllers, what I came up with was using the application/config/routes.php file to achieve it. The idea is load different controllers depending on what subdomain you use, so, instead of writing a list of routes for your domain, you write a list of routes DEPENDING on the domain you're accessing from:

switch ( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) {
    case 'students.mysite.com':
        $route['default_controller'] = "students";
    case 'teachers.mysite.com':
        $route['default_controller'] = "teachers";
        // The list of your $routes lines at is was...

要完成这项工作,你只需要在子域名指向你的CI项目(德韦恩Towell在对方回答的第1步介绍了如何做完美的),你就会有一切工作,你的共享托管亿韩元 T为一个问题,你会不会来配置服务器。

To make this work, you only have to point the subdomain to your CI project (Dwayne Towell in the step 1 of the other answer explains how to do it perfectly) and you'll have everything working, your shared hosting won't be a problem and you won't have to configure the server.


