在.htaccess文件elseif的条件块 - 我怎么会写一个if - elseif的?条件、文件、我怎么会、htaccess

由网友(归途很可爱)分享简介:这就是我要完成的伪code:This is what I want to accomplish in pseudocode:if server.host equals 'productionsite.com' thenRewriteBase /else if server.host equals 'staging...


This is what I want to accomplish in pseudocode:

if server.host equals 'productionsite.com' then
  RewriteBase /
else if server.host equals 'stagingsite.com' then
  RewriteBase /staging/mysite
else if server.host equals 'localhost' or server.host equals '' then
  Rewrite /dev/mysite


However, this is what I actually have so far which doesn't seem to work as I expect:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =productionsite.com
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =stagingsite.com
RewriteBase /staging/mysite

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =localhost
RewriteBase /dev/mysite

我AP preciate任何帮助,我可以提前得到。

I appreciate any help I can get in advance.



Not an answer per-se (started out as a comment), but may help you a bit:


Your approach doesn't work because the RewriteBase isn't affected by RewriteCond directives. A RewriteCond can only be followed by another RewriteCond or a RewriteRule. RewriteBase is an entirely different beast: I don't think that a conditional RewriteBase is possible; I have the vague feeling that it's processed at startup, so can't be changed dynamically (but I may be very wrong about this). Google has a number of hits for "conditional rewritebase", you may look through those, but they seem largely negative.

与 IfDefine 的玩弄以达到类似的效果将是值得一试。

Toying with IfDefine to achieve a similar effect would be worth a shot.


Alternatively, you could try doing it with RewriteRules and environmental variables:

 RewriteBase /

 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =stagingsite.com
 RewriteRule ^ - [E=FRB:/staging/mysite]

 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =localhost
 RewriteRule ^ - [E=FRB:/dev/mysite]


And then prepend each rewrite path with the FRB environmental variable, like

 RewriteRule ^home$ %{ENV:FRB}/index.php


But this is just an untested theory.


