
由网友(怦然心动)分享简介:我就是用这个code(净推荐一些论坛),以阻止代理到我的网站文件,使用htaccess文件:I was using this code (recommended by some forums in the net) to block Proxies to my website files, using htacces...


I was using this code (recommended by some forums in the net) to block Proxies to my website files, using htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:XROXY_CONNECTION}    !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR}     !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED-FOR}       !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED}         !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA}                 !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED}           !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:USERAGENT_VIA}       !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X_FORWARDED_FOR}     !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:PROXY_CONNECTION}    !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:XPROXY_CONNECTION}   !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_CLIENT_IP}      !^$     
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F]

这是工作完美。然而,今年以来,GOOGLE更新了自己的Andr​​oid平台有一个所谓的新功能: 数据通信pression代理(使用内部命名为浏览器的设置选项降低数据使用情况)。根据这个帖子更新了2014年1月,我可以看到它是Android设备的新功能: /数据-COM pression

It was working perfect. However, since this year, GOOGLE updated his ANDROID platform with a new feature called: "Data Compression Proxy" (using the option inside the settings of the browser named "Reduce Data Usage"). According to this post Updated in January 2014, I can see it is a new feature for Android Devices:


Now the htaccess code is still blocking proxies which is what I needed, but additionally it is blocking all requests coming from Android Devices using Chrome Mobile. Even when the Android Phone User is connected to the internet via WIFI or Mobile 4G without any Proxy. The proxy setting is set by Google internally on their servers.


Of course, if the user disable that option (which I see was set "on" by default in the phones), they can access to my websites.

我需要知道,如果有一种方法可以白名单内同一code谷歌Android代理发愁吗?我的意思是,A code来自

I needed to know if there is a WAY to Whitelist GOOGLE android PROXIES inside same code? I mean, A code for referrer coming from ?


I tried this already but didn't work:


RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ! [OR]


I would not want to change the original code to something like blocking per IP's, since Blocking proxies by offenders IP would create a big list on that file, and harder to control and manage it.



有一对夫妇的事情可以做,你可以白名单的所有Android的用户代理,或者你可以白名单内经的头时,它的COM pression代理。当白名单,它不能成为一个或的情况下,它必须满足

There's a couple of things you can do, you can whitelist all "Android" user agents, or you can whitelist the "VIA" header when it's the compression proxy. When you whitelist, it can't be an "OR"'s condition, it must be satisfied.

这是Android的Chrome浏览器通过COM pression代理一个典型的请求看起来是这样的:

A typical request from android chrome through the compression proxy looks something like this:

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Forwarded: for="xxx"
Scheme: http
Via: 1.1 Chrome Compression Proxy
X-Forwarded-For: xxx
Connection: Keep-alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; Nexus 5 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.114 Mobile Safari/537.36

所以,你可以反对这门亲事,用户代理或通过的Chrome浏览器的COM pression代理的Linux的Andr​​oid的一部分:

So you can match against the "Linux; Android" part of the user agent or the "Chrome Compression Proxy" in the via:

RewriteEngine on   
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !Linux; Android [234].[0-9]

RewriteCond %{HTTP:XROXY_CONNECTION}    !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR}     !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED-FOR}       !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED}         !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA}                 !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED}           !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:USERAGENT_VIA}       !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X_FORWARDED_FOR}     !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:PROXY_CONNECTION}    !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:XPROXY_CONNECTION}   !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_CLIENT_IP}      !^$     
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F]

RewriteEngine on   
RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA} !Chrome Compression Proxy

RewriteCond %{HTTP:XROXY_CONNECTION}    !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR}     !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED-FOR}       !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED}         !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA}                 !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED}           !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:USERAGENT_VIA}       !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X_FORWARDED_FOR}     !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:PROXY_CONNECTION}    !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:XPROXY_CONNECTION}   !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ [OR]    
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_CLIENT_IP}      !^$     
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F]

