如何添加蛞蝓和ID的URL Laravel 4路线?蛞蝓、路线、URL、ID

由网友(雨落弦断)分享简介:我想补充的很好弹头 URL我Laravbel项目。我目前正在使用的ID号。I would like to add nice Slug URL to my Laravbel Project. I currently am using ID numbers.我的目标是继续使用数字,但也使用蛞蝓更好的搜索引擎优化的UR...

我想补充的很好弹头 URL我Laravbel项目。我目前正在使用的ID号。

I would like to add nice Slug URL to my Laravbel Project. I currently am using ID numbers.


My goal is to continue using Numbers but also to use Slugs for better SEO URL's. So either a Slug or an ID will load the proper page.


Below is my current Route that uses an ID number to load a record.

// View Campaign Details/Profile/Map View
Route::any("/campaign/{id}", array(
    "as"   => "campaign/{id}",
    "uses" => "CampaignController@getCampaignMap"

要能够增加弹头支持Laravel 4,我认为我需要一个塞数据库列添加到我的广告系列的表。

To be able to add Slug support in Laravel 4. I believe I need to add a slug database column to my campaigns table.


How would I go about editing my Route to work with an ID number of a slug string?


Also since I am only wanting to use slug on a couple sections of my application, how would I do my.htaccess for this, or is an.htaccess even required?



I wouldn't pass two parameters to your function, just treat it like an ID in both cases. You'll need to add a "slug" column to your db if you haven't already and make sure those values are unique just like an id. Then in your controller you can do something like this:

public function getCampaignMap($id){
    //look for the campaign by id first
    $campaignmap  = Campaign::find($id);
    //if none is found try to find it by slug instead
        $campaignmap = Campaign::where('slug','=',$id)->firstOrFail();
    return View::make('campaignmap.show', compact('campaignmap'));


You could also save yourself a query in some cases by checking to see if the id is numeric and then just look for it by slug if it's not numeric such as:

public function getCampaignMap($id){
    //look for the campaign by id if it's numeric and by slug if not
         $campaignmap  = Campaign::find($id);
         $campaignmap = Campaign::where('slug','=',$id)->firstOrFail();
    return View::make('campaignmap.show', compact('campaignmap'));

