
由网友(青丝成雪)分享简介:我有,我不希望用户来看看用得到一些电子邮件的PHP脚本,但我用它来发送的一封电子邮件,使用Wufoo项目上的webHook如果有人知道它,所以它使用POST,所以我只想允许POST请求,否则,403或404怎么做呢? I have some email PHP Scripts which I do not want...


I have some email PHP Scripts which I do not want the user to have a look by a GET, but I am using it to send as an email, using wufoo's webHook if anyone knows about it, so it uses POST so I just want POST Requests to be allowed otherwise, 403 or 404 how do I do that?

我尝试了一些答案在如此发出与浏览Apache Web服务器的文档时,我找到了最好的答案是这样的:

I tried some answers given on SO and browsed documentation of apache web server, the best answer I found was this:

 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !=GET
 RewriteRule ^.*$ /path/to


But I suppose this should be written in the directory where I have PHP Script, I just want use one .htaccess in root.


      public_html (would want to use this folders .htaccess only)
      -- email 
         -- mail.php (ONLY POST)

我知道我们可以在 mail.php 使用REQUEST_METHOD直接,但我不想这样做,这是这种事情是不相关的脚本实际上

I know we can use REQUEST_METHOD in mail.php directly but I don't want to do that, it is kind of thing which is not related to the script actually.


can anyone provide some help.


这是非常类似的问题: http://serverfault.com/questions/270950/only-allow-get-request-with-htaccess 只要创建适当的.htaccess文件,并把它里面的电子邮件目录。

This is quite similar question : http://serverfault.com/questions/270950/only-allow-get-request-with-htaccess Just create proper .htaccess file and put it inside "email" directory.


You can also do this directly in PHP.


