
由网友(leave(离开))分享简介:我有这个重写规则设立的的.htaccess ,这是所有工作的罚款... I had this rewrite rule set up in .htaccess and it was all working fine...Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGIRewriteEngine O...

我有这个重写规则设立的的.htaccess ,这是所有工作的罚款...

I had this rewrite rule set up in .htaccess and it was all working fine...

Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/mypage(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*) http://example.com/PHProxy/poxy-0.5b2/index.php?url=http://example.org/mypage [L,R=302,NC]

然而,当我更改URL的重写规则来 http://example.com/PHProxy/poxy-0.5b2/index.php?url=http://example.org/mypage它仍然重定向到旧的URL。

However, when I change the url in the RewriteRule to http://example.com/PHProxy/poxy-0.5b2/index.php?url=http://example.org/mypage it still redirects to the old URL.

经过一番研究,我添加了一个语法错误到.htaccess文件,查看正在使用.htaccess文件(实际上是 - 因为它导致了内部服务器错误,当你试图从该目录加载一个页面)。

After some research, I added a syntax error into the .htaccess file to check the .htaccess file was being used (and indeed it was - as it resulted in an Internal Server Error when you tried to load a page from that directory).


There seems to be some caching somewhere, but I'm not sure. Any ideas why my change is not being picked up / how to troubleshoot and resolve?



Problem solved. Just noticed that there is a mypage subdirectory which still contained the old rewrite rule, so that was the one being executed.


