
由网友(爷爷一身公主病)分享简介:我在我的本地机器开发Zend的MVC和我使用的是DreamHost的网站升级。由于每 Zend的快速启动,在我的本地机器我在该项目的公共目录设置我APPLICATION_ENV发展从一个.htaccess文件,像这样的:I'm developing a Zend MVC on my local machine, an...

我在我的本地机器开发Zend的MVC和我使用的是DreamHost的网站升级。由于每 Zend的快速启动,在我的本地机器我在该项目的公共目录设置我APPLICATION_ENV发展从一个.htaccess文件,像这样的:

I'm developing a Zend MVC on my local machine, and am using a DreamHost site for staging. As per the zend quick start, on my local machine I set my APPLICATION_ENV to development from within a .htaccess file in the public directory of the project, like this:

的myproject /公/的.htaccess包含此行,

myproject/public/.htaccess contains this line,


"SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development"

这本地工作就好了。但是,当我尝试使用我的app_env在我的临时服务器它不存在使用。这线程的建议,也许suexec的是在后台运行。我做了一些挖掘,果然, Dreamhost的模块定制环境变量的。

This works just fine locally. But when I try to use my app_env in my staging server it's not there to use. This thread suggested that perhaps suexec was running in the background. I did some digging and sure enough, Dreamhost blocks custom environment variables.

我尝试的第一个解决方法,卫生署建议,以prependingHTTP_到APPLICATION_ENV,然后添加在公立/ index.php的另一个条件来检查原始和Dreamhost的版本。

I tried the first workaround that DH suggested, by prepending "HTTP_" to "APPLICATION_ENV", and then adding another conditional within public/index.php to check for both the original and the dreamhost version.

// Define application environment
defined('APPLICATION_ENV') || define('APPLICATION_ENV', 
  (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : 
  (getenv('HTTP_APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('HTTP_APPLICATION_ENV') : 'production')));


This didn't seem to work for me. Even in ssh, when I run 'env' in the command line, my application_env isn't listed. Since I'm not working with CGI script I didn't bother with the second and third workarounds.


所以,据我所知,我的选择是要么创建自己的配置系统(app_env保存到不同的文件,加载该文件中的公共/ index.php文件这似乎是更多的工作是值得考虑的选项2 ),或者只是硬$ C C的app_env到默认位置$ - 意义,而不是在它上面的code例如生产,也只是说'升级'。如果我去了后者,我不得不的.gitignore我的公开/ index.php文件,它只是似乎有些奇怪。在此之前,我从来没有改变该文件,并会认为它的更好,如果我不惹它,更不用说完全留给我的仓库外。 思考?建议?另外的解决方法?

So, as far as I understand it, my options are to either create my own config system (save app_env to a different file, load that file in public/index.php which seems like more work than it's worth considering option 2) or just 'hard' code the app_env into the default position - meaning, instead of 'production' in the code example above it would just say 'staging'. If I went with the latter, I'd have to .gitignore my public/index.php file, which just seems a little strange. Before this, I've never had to change that file and would assume that it's better if I don't mess with it, let alone completely leave it outside of my repository. Thoughts? Suggestions? Further workarounds?



I have experienced the same problem as you. However, it is not as big as it seems. Once index.php is set up it never changes, so it is safe to leave it out of version control.

硬$ C C APPLICATION_ENV对您的每一个开发,分期和生产服务器,而忘记了它的定义$。

Hard code the the definition of APPLICATION_ENV on each of your dev, staging and production servers and forget about it.


I have been developing with ZF for two years now and I can't remember the last time I made a change to index.php other than setting it up for each server and that is to change just 1 line.

TL;博士 它不是值得努力不是硬在您的情况编码APPLICATION_ENV做其他的。

tl;dr Its not worth the effort to do other than hard coding APPLICATION_ENV in your situation.


