
由网友(我男神叫權志龍)分享简介:我的主页位于www.nazgulled.net,我买了一个新的领域是www.ricardoamaral.net。这两个结构域指向相同的确切服务器My homepage is located at www.nazgulled.net and I bought a new domain which is www.rica...


My homepage is located at www.nazgulled.net and I bought a new domain which is www.ricardoamaral.net. Both these domains point to the same exact server.


I'm having two problems with the redirection, my current code is this:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?nazgulled.net [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.ricardoamaral.net/$1 [L]

现在我只是测试,但这个想法是,以取代[L]与[L,R = 301]当我准备好将整个事情,只是让你知道。

For now I'm just testing but the idea is to replace [L] with [L,R=301] when I'm ready to move the whole thing, just so you know.


1)这不是工作,当我尝试它,我无法访问nazgulled.net,它给了我一个服务器内部错误,我不明白为什么。 。我不明白为什么,因为如果将ricardoamaral.net由google.com,重定向工作得很好:/

1) This is not working, when I try it, I can't access "nazgulled.net", it gives me a "server internal error" and I don't understand why... I don't understand why because if replace "ricardoamaral.net" by "google.com", the redirect works just fine :/


2) I have a few subdomains and I would like to redirect everything in those too. My first choice is to add different rewrite conditions/rules for each of the subdomains but that takes a lot of manual code and if the user types some subdomain that doesn't exist, they don't be redirect it and I also want that.



For 1, you can use something like this instead:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin webmaster@nazgulled.net
  ServerName nazgulled.net
  ServerAlias www.nazgulled.net
  Redirect permanent / http://www.ricardoamaral.net/


I use a similar configuration and it works perfectly, keeping query parameters, paths, etc.


Regarding your own rewrite rule, I want to note that you may lose your query params if you don't include QSA.


To diagnose internal server errors, just have a look at the log file provided by your ErrorLog directive within your vhost, or a global one, depending on your configuration. It should give you the exact reason for the error.


