追加到WWW使用URL htaccess的WWW、URL、htaccess

由网友(沒話)分享简介:我有一个字preSS的网站,如果我通过域的全名访问它工作正常,例如 www.example.com 。但是如果我尝试访问它无需键入 WWW 例如 example.com ,我得到以下错误:I have a WordPress site which works fine if I access it through t...

我有一个字preSS的网站,如果我通过域的全名访问它工作正常,例如 www.example.com 。但是如果我尝试访问它无需键入 WWW 例如 example.com ,我得到以下错误:

I have a WordPress site which works fine if I access it through the full name of the domain, example www.example.com. However if I try to access it without typing the www e.g example.com, I get the following error:

Origin http://example.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

唯一的解决办法我能想到的是追加/重写任何请求 example.com www.example.com 。我怎样才能做到这一点与的.htaccess

The only solution I can think of is to append / rewrite any request to example.com to www.example.com. How can I achieve this with .htaccess?


对于那些谁遇到这样的使用Word preSS。我把它固定在安装此插件 https://github.com/jacopotarantino /字preSS-跨域-插件并添加网站到允许的域。

For those who encountered this with WordPress. I got it fixed by installing this plugin https://github.com/jacopotarantino/WordPress-Cross-Domain-Plugin and add the site into "Allowed Domains".


