
由网友(故事带泪)分享简介:我必须承认,通常我没有的调试的焦虑不安开关的发布的在我的计划配置,而我往往选择去为调试的配置,即使当程序被实际部署在客户处。据我所知,这些配置之间的唯一区别,如果你不改变它手动是的调试的有 DEBUG 定义的常量,而发布的拥有的优化code 的检查了。所以我的问题实际上是双重的:是否有这两种配置之间没有太大的性能差...


据我所知,这些配置之间的唯一区别,如果你不改变它手动是的调试的有 DEBUG 定义的常量,而发布的拥有的优化code 的检查了。










死code淘汰。声明一样,如果(假){} /.../被完全消除。这可能是由于不断的折叠和内联。其它情况是其中JIT编译器可以确定code的无可能的副作用。这种优化是什么使分析code如此棘手。


公共子-EX pression消除。 X = Y + 4; Z = Y + 4;成为Z = X;

恒折叠。 X = 1 + 2;变为x = 3;这个简单的例子是早期由编译器捕获,但发生在JIT时候,其他的优化​​使之成为可能。

复制传播。 X = A; Y = X;成为Y = A;这有助于寄存器分配做出更好的决策。这是一个大问题在x86抖动,因为它有这么几个寄存器的工作。有了它选择是正确的关键是要逆足

这些都是可以做出非常重要的一个优化的伟大的的差异性时,例如,您配置您的应用程序的调试版本,并将其与发布版本。这只有真正重要的,虽然当code是你的关键路径上,在5〜10%$ C $的c您写的实际上的影响到你的程序的PERF。 JIT的优化是不够聪明,知道前面是什么重要的,它只能适用把它给十一拨打所有code。



I must admit, that usually I haven't bothered switching between the Debug and Release configurations in my program, and I have usually opted to go for the Debug configuration, even when the programs are actually deployed at the customers place.

安兔兔 苹果使用不同版本A15芯片,版本之间性能差距较大

As far as I know, the only difference between these configurations if you don't change it manually is that Debug have the DEBUG constant defined, and Release have the Optimize code checked of.

So my questions is actually twofold:

Are there much performance differences between these two configurations. Are there any specific type of code that will cause big differences in performance here, or is it actually not that important?

Are there any type of code that will run fine under the Debug configuration that might fail under Release configuration, or can you be certain that code that is tested and working fine under the Debug configuration will also work fine under Release configuration.


The C# compiler itself doesn't alter the emitted IL a great deal in the Release build. Notable is that it no longer emits the NOP opcodes that allow you to set a breakpoint on a curly brace. The big one is the optimizer that's built into the JIT compiler. I know it makes the following optimizations:

Method inlining. A method call is replaced by the injecting the code of the method. This is a big one, it makes property accessors essentially free.

CPU register allocation. Local variables and method arguments can stay stored in a CPU register without ever (or less frequently) being stored back to the stack frame. This is a big one, notable for making debugging optimized code so difficult. And giving the volatile keyword a meaning.

Array index checking elimination. An important optimization when working with arrays (all .NET collection classes use an array internally). When the JIT compiler can verify that a loop never indexes an array out of bounds then it will eliminate the index check. Big one.

Loop unrolling. Short loops (up to 4) with small bodies are eliminated by repeating the code in the loop body. Avoids the branch misprediction penalty.

Dead code elimination. A statement like if (false) { /.../ } gets completely eliminated. This can occur due to constant folding and inlining. Other cases is where the JIT compiler can determine that the code has no possible side-effect. This optimization is what makes profiling code so tricky.

Code hoisting. Code inside a loop that is not affected by the loop can be moved out of the loop.

Common sub-expression elimination. x = y + 4; z = y + 4; becomes z = x;

Constant folding. x = 1 + 2; becomes x = 3; This simple example is caught early by the compiler, but happens at JIT time when other optimizations make this possible.

Copy propagation. x = a; y = x; becomes y = a; This helps the register allocator make better decisions. It is a big deal in the x86 jitter because it has so few registers to work with. Having it select the right ones is critical to perf.

These are very important optimizations that can make a great deal of difference when, for example, you profile the Debug build of your app and compare it to the Release build. That only really matters though when the code is on your critical path, the 5 to 10% of the code you write that actually affects the perf of your program. The JIT optimizer isn't smart enough to know up front what is critical, it can only apply the "turn it to eleven" dial for all the code.

The effective result of these optimizations on your program's execution time is often affected by code that runs elsewhere. Reading a file, executing a dbase query, etc. Making the work the JIT optimizer does completely invisible. It doesn't mind though :)

The JIT optimizer is pretty reliable code, mostly because it has been put to the test millions of times. It is extremely rare to have problems in the Release build version of your program. It does happen however. Both the x64 and the x86 jitters have had problems with structs. The x86 jitter has trouble with floating point consistency, producing subtly different results when the intermediates of a floating point calculation are kept in a FPU register at 80-bit precision instead of getting truncated when flushed to memory.


