由网友(2.跌进你心里)分享简介:我对人的ID列表以及他们的名字,和人的ID和自己的姓氏列表。有些人没有名字,有的没有姓氏;我希望做一个完全外部联接在两个列表。I have a list of people's ID and their first name, and a list of people's ID and their surname....


I have a list of people's ID and their first name, and a list of people's ID and their surname. Some people don't have a first name and some don't have a surname; I'd like to do a full outer join on the two lists.


ID  FirstName
--  ---------
 1  John
 2  Sue

ID  LastName
--  --------
 1  Doe
 3  Smith


ID  FirstName  LastName
--  ---------  --------
 1  John       Doe
 2  Sue
 3             Smith


I'm new to LINQ (so forgive me if I'm being lame) and have found quite a few solutions for 'LINQ Outer Joins' which all look quite similar, but really seem to be left outer joins.


My attempts so far go something like this:

private void OuterJoinTest()
    List<FirstName> firstNames = new List<FirstName>();
    firstNames.Add(new FirstName { ID = 1, Name = "John" });
    firstNames.Add(new FirstName { ID = 2, Name = "Sue" });

    List<LastName> lastNames = new List<LastName>();
    lastNames.Add(new LastName { ID = 1, Name = "Doe" });
    lastNames.Add(new LastName { ID = 3, Name = "Smith" });

    var outerJoin = from first in firstNames
        join last in lastNames
        on first.ID equals last.ID
        into temp
        from last in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
        select new
            id = first != null ? first.ID : last.ID,
            firstname = first != null ? first.Name : string.Empty,
            surname = last != null ? last.Name : string.Empty

public class FirstName
    public int ID;

    public string Name;

public class LastName
    public int ID;

    public string Name;


But this returns:

ID  FirstName  LastName
--  ---------  --------
 1  John       Doe
 2  Sue


What am I doing wrong?



I don't know if this covers all cases, logically it seems correct. The idea is to take a left outer join and right outer join and combine them together (as it should be).

var firstNames = new[]
    new { ID = 1, Name = "John" },
    new { ID = 2, Name = "Sue" },
var lastNames = new[]
    new { ID = 1, Name = "Doe" },
    new { ID = 3, Name = "Smith" },
var leftOuterJoin = from first in firstNames
                    join last in lastNames
                    on first.ID equals last.ID
                    into temp
                    from last in temp.DefaultIfEmpty(new { first.ID, Name = default(string) })
                    select new
                        FirstName = first.Name,
                        LastName = last.Name,
var rightOuterJoin = from last in lastNames
                     join first in firstNames
                     on last.ID equals first.ID
                     into temp
                     from first in temp.DefaultIfEmpty(new { last.ID, Name = default(string) })
                     select new
                         FirstName = first.Name,
                         LastName = last.Name,
var fullOuterJoin = leftOuterJoin.Union(rightOuterJoin);

这可以作为写,因为它是在LINQ到对象。如果的LINQ to SQL或其他,的DefaultIfEmpty过载()这需要在默认可能无法正常工作。然后,你必须使用条件运算符有条件地获取值。

This works as written since it is in LINQ to Objects. If LINQ to SQL or other, the overload of DefaultIfEmpty() that takes in a default may not work. Then you'd have to use the conditional operator to conditionally get the values.


var leftOuterJoin = from first in firstNames
                    join last in lastNames
                    on first.ID equals last.ID
                    into temp
                    from last in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    select new
                        FirstName = first.Name,
                        LastName = last != null ? last.Name : default(string),

