
由网友(烟酒痞女)分享简介:我用的是app.config文件来存储一些值(路径映射数据库,数据连接选择)。这些设置不同,在用户的机器,我想安装程序来设置他们的权利。是否有可以使用.NET配置文件在安装过程中的工作,让我创造一些对话,这将有助于我填写这些值的安装程序?I use the app.config file to store some...


I use the app.config file to store some values (path to a mapping database, data connection selections). These settings differ on the user machines and I would like the installer to set them right. Is there an installer that can work with .NET config files during setup and allow me to create some dialogs that would help me fill in these values ?

我知道这个问题可能类似于:Initializing user.config或app.exe.config在安装过程中,但我不局限于VS 2008的安装项目,我想更改配置文件中的设置。

I know this question may be similar to : Initializing user.config or app.exe.config during install, but I am not limited to VS 2008 setup project and I want to change the settings in the config files.


I see that using WIX is one option, but I feel like cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer. It may be the only solution, but I still hope for something simple.



We use WIX to change the application's configuration file. It works really well, you'll need to add wixUtilExtension.dll in the reference.


<Component Id="ChangeConfig" Guid="[YOUR_GUID_HERE]">
   <File Id="App.config" Name="MyApplication.exe.config" Vital="yes" KeyPath="yes" Source="[Path to project dir]app.config" />
   <util:XmlFile Id="AppConfigSetConnStr" Action="setValue" Permanent="yes" File="[#App.config]"        	
        ElementPath="/configuration/connectionStrings/add[[]@name='MyDatabaseName'[]]" Name="connectionString" 
        Value="Your Connection string values here" />


这实际上取决于你正在使用的是什么创造了安装程序,你在使用? 有alook在 WIX教程。

It actually depends on what you are using to create the installer, What are you using ? Have alook at the WIX Tutorial.


