
由网友(少年还分不清蔚蓝。)分享简介:有一个BitTorrent客户端完全写入(我的意思是完全)在C#编写?我知道写在单声道的BT客户端,我绝对喜欢它。Is there a BitTorrent client written completely (I mean completely) written in C# ?I am aware of the...

有一个BitTorrent客户端完全写入(我的意思是完全)在C#编写? 我知道写在单声道的BT客户端,我绝对喜欢它。

Is there a BitTorrent client written completely (I mean completely) written in C# ? I am aware of the BitTorrent clients written in mono, I absolutely love it.

是否有任何其他开源BT客户端比MonoTorrent和放大器等; BitSharp写在C#这是正在开发?

Are there any other opensource BitTorrent clients other than MonoTorrent & BitSharp written in C# which is under development?


Just wondering how much of an interest an "opensource bit torrent client in C#" would generate amongst C# programmer folks out there.

编辑:做检查出迈克尔葡萄汁的南瓜种子在 HTTP://pumpkintorrent.$c$cplex.com/

Do check out Michael Stum's Pumpkin torrent on http://pumpkintorrent.codeplex.com/


@Michael: thanks for sharing the project url.


@Allan: thanks for MonoTorrent ;)


MonoTorrent是美好的客户端和服务器库。有写在GTK#的GUI - 季风现在它只能运行在Linux操作系统。如果你有时间陪你可以写一个WPF GUI或很少修改端口季风到Windows。

MonoTorrent is wonderful client and server library. There is a GUI written on GTK# - Monsoon for now it runs only at Linux. If you have a time to spend you could write a WPF GUI or with little modification to port Monsoon to Windows.


Look for Alan McGovern for more information.


