
由网友(你看上去好像很好吃)分享简介:我有很多的Funcy好玩(FUN意)与泛型方法。在大多数情况下,C#的类型推断是足够聪明,找出通用的参数必须在我的泛型方法使用,但现在我已经有了一个设计,其中C#编译器不会成功,但我相信它会成功地找到正确的类型。I'm having lots of Funcy fun (fun intended) with gene...


I'm having lots of Funcy fun (fun intended) with generic methods. In most cases C# type inference is smart enough to find out what generic arguments it must use on my generic methods, but now I've got a design where the C# compiler doesn't succeed, while I believe it could have succeeded in finding the correct types.


Can anyone tell me whether the compiler is a bit dumb in this case, or is there a very clear reason why it can't infer my generic arguments?



interface IQuery<TResult> { }

interface IQueryProcessor
    TResult Process<TQuery, TResult>(TQuery query)
        where TQuery : IQuery<TResult>;

class SomeQuery : IQuery<string>


Some code that does not compile:

class Test
    void Test(IQueryProcessor p)
        var query = new SomeQuery();

        // Does not compile :-(

        // Must explicitly write all arguments
        p.Process<SomeQuery, string>(query);


Why is this? What am I missing here?


Here's the compiler error message (it doesn't leave much to our imagination):

有关方法IQueryProcessor.Process的类型参数(的TQuery)不能从使用推断。尝试指定   明确类型的参数。

The type arguments for method IQueryProcessor.Process(TQuery) cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.


The reason I believe C# should be able to infer it is because of the following:

在我提供一个对象,它实现 IQUERY&LT; TResult&GT; 这仅 IQUERY&LT; TResult&GT; 版本类型实现是 IQUERY&LT;字符串&GT; ,因此TResult必须字符串。 有了这些信息,编译器TResult和TQuery的。 I supply an object that implements IQuery<TResult>. That only IQuery<TResult> version that type implements is IQuery<string> and thus TResult must be string. With this information the compiler has TResult and TQuery.


对我来说,最好的解决办法是改变 IQueryProcessor ​​接口,并使用动态类型的实现:

For me the best solution was to change the IQueryProcessor interface and use dynamic typing in the implementation:

public interface IQueryProcessor
    TResult Process<TResult>(IQuery<TResult> query);

// Implementation
sealed class QueryProcessor : IQueryProcessor {
    private readonly Container container;

    public QueryProcessor(Container container) {
        this.container = container;

    public TResult Process<TResult>(IQuery<TResult> query) {
        var handlerType =
            typeof(IQueryHandler<,>).MakeGenericType(query.GetType(), typeof(TResult));
        dynamic handler = container.GetInstance(handlerType);
        return handler.Handle((dynamic)query);

IQueryProcessor ​​接口,现在只需在一个 IQUERY&LT; TResult&GT; 参数。这样,它可以返回一个 TResult ,这将解决从消费者的角度来看问题。我们需要使用反射在实施中得到实际落实,因为需要具体的查询类型(对我来说)。但这里来动态类型到会做了反思我们的救援。您可以在此文章阅读更多关于这一点。

The IQueryProcessor interface now takes in a IQuery<TResult> parameter. This way it can return a TResult and this will solve the problems from the consumer's perspective. We need to use reflection in the implementation to get the actual implementation, since the concrete query types are needed (in my case). But here comes dynamic typing to the rescue which will do the reflection for us. You can read more about this in this article.



A bunch of people have pointed out that C# does not make inferences based on constraints. That is correct, and relevant to the question. Inferences are made by examining arguments and their corresponding formal parameter types and that is the only source of inference information.


A bunch of people have then linked to this article:



That article is both out-of-date and irrelevant to the question. It is out-of-date because it describes a design decision we made in C# 3.0 which we then reversed in C# 4.0, mostly based on the response to that article. I've just added an update to that effect to the article.


It is irrelevant because the article is about return type inference from method group arguments to generic delegate formal parameters. That is not the situation the original poster asks about.


The relevant article of mine to read is rather this one:



