何时使用try / catch块?try、catch

由网友(草莓味的小对象.)分享简介:我已经做了我的阅读和理解什么是try / catch块的功能以及重要的是要使用一个。但我卡在明知的何时/何的使用它们。任何建议?我会在希望后下我的code的样本有人有一定的时间,使我的例子提出了一些建议。 I've done my reading and understand what a Try/Catch blo...

我已经做了我的阅读和理解什么是try / catch块的功能以及重要的是要使用一个。但我卡在明知的何时/何的使用它们。任何建议?我会在希望后下我的code的样本有人有一定的时间,使我的例子提出了一些建议。

I've done my reading and understand what a Try/Catch block does and why it's important to use one. But I'm stuck on knowing when/where to use them. Any advice? I'll post a sample of my code below in hopes that someone has some time to make some recommendations for my example.

    public AMPFileEntity(string filename)
        transferFileList tfl = new transferFileList();
        _AMPFlag = tfl.isAMPFile(filename);
        _requiresPGP = tfl.pgpRequired(filename);
        _filename = filename.ToUpper();
        _fullSourcePathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("sourcePath") + _filename;
        _fullDestinationPathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("FTPStagePath") + _filename;
        _hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("originalsWhichHaveBeenPGPdPath");

    public int processFile()

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.AppendLine(" ");
        sb.AppendLine("    --------------------------------");
        sb.AppendLine("     Filename: " + _filename);
        sb.AppendLine("     AMPFlag: " + _AMPFlag);
        sb.AppendLine("     Requires PGP: " + _requiresPGP);
        sb.AppendLine("    --------------------------------");
        sb.AppendLine(" ");

        string str = sb.ToString();
        if (_AMPFlag)
            if (_requiresPGP == true)
                UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file does not require encryption. Moving file to FTPStage directory.");
                if (File.Exists(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename))
                    UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + " alreadyexists. Archiving that file.");
                    if (File.Exists(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive"))
                        UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive already exists.  Overwriting it.");
                        File.Delete(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive");
                    File.Move(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename, _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive");
                File.Move(_fullSourcePathAndFilename, _fullDestinationPathAndFilename);
            UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file is not an AMP transfer file. Skipping this file.");

            return (0);

    private int encryptFile()

        UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file requires encryption.  Starting encryption process.");

        // first check for an existing PGPd file in the destination dir.  if exists, archive it - otherwise this one won't save.  it doesn't overwrite.
        string pgpdFilename = _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + ".PGP";

            UtilityLogger.LogToFile(pgpdFilename + " already exists in the FTPStage directory.  Archiving that file." );
            if(File.Exists(pgpdFilename + "_archive"))
                UtilityLogger.LogToFile(pgpdFilename + "_archive already exists.  Overwriting it."); 
                File.Delete(pgpdFilename + "_archive");
            File.Move(pgpdFilename, pgpdFilename + "_archive"); 

        Process pProc = new Process();
        pProc.StartInfo.FileName = "pgp.exe";

        string strParams = @"--encrypt " + _fullSourcePathAndFilename + " --recipient infinata --output " + _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + ".PGP";

        UtilityLogger.LogToFile("Encrypting file.  Params: " + strParams);
        pProc.StartInfo.Arguments = strParams;
        pProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        pProc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

        //now that it's been PGPd, save the orig in 'hasBeenPGPd' dir
        UtilityLogger.LogToFile("PGP encryption complete.  Moving original unencrypted file to " +  _hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename); 
        if(File.Exists(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd"))
            UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd already exists.  Overwriting it.");
            File.Delete(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd");
            File.Move(_fullSourcePathAndFilename, _hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd");

        return (0);





The basic rule of thumb for catching exceptions is to catch exceptions if and only if you have a meaningful way of handling them.


Don't catch an exception if you're only going to log the exception and throw it up the stack. It serves no meaning and clutters code.


Do catch an exception when you are expecting a failure in a specific part of your code, and if you have a fallback for it.

当然,你总是有检查异常需要您使用try / catch块,在这种情况下,你没有其他选择的情况下。即使检查异常,请正确地记录和处理的干净。

Of course you always have the case of checked exceptions which require you to use try/catch blocks, in which case you have no other choice. Even with a checked exception, make sure you log properly and handle as cleanly as possible.


