如何存储/ retreieve RSA公钥/私钥公钥、retreieve、RSA、私钥

由网友(Poikilotherm(冷血动物))分享简介:我想用RSA公钥加密。什么是存储或检索私钥和公钥的最佳方法是什么? XML是在这里是个好主意?I want to use RSA public key encryption. What is the best way to store or retrieve private and public keys? Is X...

我想用RSA公钥加密。什么是存储或检索私钥和公钥的最佳方法是什么? XML是在这里是个好主意?

I want to use RSA public key encryption. What is the best way to store or retrieve private and public keys? Is XML a good idea here?


RSAParameters privateKey = RSA.ExportParameters(true);
RSAParameters publicKey = RSA.ExportParameters(false);


Because RSAParameters have the following members: D, DP, DQ, Exponent, InverseQ, Modulus, P, Q




What I have done successfully is to store the keys as XML. There are two methods in RSACryptoServiceProvider: ToXMLString and FromXMlString . The ToXMLString will return an XML string containing either just the public key data or both the public and private key data depending on how you set it's parameter. The FromXMLString method will populate the RSACryptoServiceProvider with the appropriate key data when provided an XML string containing either just the public key data or both the public and private key data.


