
由网友(我的世界没人能懂)分享简介:我读过上安装了一堆文件,并没有遇到什么好解释的基本概念。大部分的安装程序软件我遇到的是基于相同的数据库之类的,我只是不明白,在所有结构。 I've read a bunch of documentation on installers and haven't come across anything good tha...


I've read a bunch of documentation on installers and haven't come across anything good that explains the underlying concepts. Most of the installer software I've come across is based on the same "database" like structure that I just don't understand at all.

所有附带的各种产品的文件 - 即维克斯,的InstallAware,怀斯时,InstallShield等希望你理解这些基本概念[,我只是不明白]为了追随他们是怎么说的。

All of the documentation that comes with the various products - i.e. WiX, InstallAware, Wise, InstallShield etc expect that you understand these underlying concepts [which I just don't get] in order to follow what they're talking about.


Can anyone point me in the direction of documentation that explains the concepts of software installers so that the software documentation actually makes sense?


更新 - 因为我原来的职位,的维克斯:一个开发人员指南到Windows Installer XML 已被释放,也适合初学者一个很好的资源。 (我没有找到它,伟大的自己,虽然)我还建议阅读权威指南到Windows Installer 的为出发点。 Windows Installer和WiX的是不是你随便在几天之内,这将需要几个月的时间。

Update - since my original post, WiX: A Developers Guide to Windows Installer XML has been released and is also a good resource for beginners. (I didn't find it that great myself though.) I still suggest reading The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer as a starting point. Windows Installer and WiX isn't something you just pick up in a few days, it'll take a few months.

去接权威指南到Windows Installer 。我已经记不清有多少次我将它推荐给谁被卡住的概念,并努力理解Windows安装程序如何工作的人的数量。请确保你抢的 Windows安装程序的SDK 的为好。

Go pick up a copy of The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer. I've lost count of how many times I've recommended it to people who are getting stuck on the concepts and are struggling to understand how Windows Installer works. Make sure you grab the Windows Installer SDK as well.

前往掌握使用Windows Installer是你学习的第一个阶段,一旦这样沉入了你就会明白如何的InstallShield 作品(或不工作的情况而定。)。怀斯之后,InstallShield等试图从基本概念,保护你,有自己的诡计/黑客绕过Windows Installer的限制。

Getting to grasp with Windows Installer is the first stage of your learning, once that's sunk in you'll understand how InstallShield works (or doesn't work as the case may be..). Wise, InstallShield, etc try to shield you from the underlying concepts and have their own trickery/hacks to get around the limitations of Windows Installer.

第二阶段(如果你认真了解Windows安装程序)正在学习维克斯(中的 WiX的教程是不是太糟糕了,虽然这是一个有点过时和有针对性的WiX的2.0,而不是3.0 ),并加入 WiX的用户邮件列表。不加入的用户列表,直到你完成上面提到的这本书,您将可以方便在你的头上。问题从这些谁不明白的Windows安装程序的概念主要是去理会,但是从人的问题谁做功课会发现这是一个很好的资源。

Stage two (if you're serious about understanding Windows Installer) is learning WiX (The WiX Tutorial isn't too bad, although it's a bit out of date and targeted at WiX 2.0 rather than 3.0) and joining the wix-users mailing list. Don't join the users list until you've finished the book mentioned above, you'll be well in over your head. Questions from those who don't understand the Windows Installer concepts largely go ignored, however questions from people who have done their homework will find it a great resource.

什么是不包括在书中Vista中,上的了解UAC和Windows Vista (书面Vista的时候是在它的测试阶段),你会发现在该主题的最佳信息。

What's not covered in the book is Vista, Robert Flamings blog entries on Understanding UAC and Vista (written when Vista was in it's beta stage) are the best information you'll find on the topic.

一件事,无论是Windows Installer和WiX的团队是在保持文档(帮助文件)最新的真的很不错。每当我工作的设置我一般都 Wix.chm 和 Msi45.chm 一台显示器上打开;)

One thing that both the Windows Installer and WiX teams is really good at is keeping the documentation (Help files) up to date. Whenever I'm working on setups I'll generally have Wix.chm and Msi45.chm open on one monitor ;)


Along with the documentation, blogs from people on the WiX and Windows Installer teams are great for learning new tricks, etc. Far too many to list here, but once you know the terminology you'll find most of them popping up in google results.

如果这一切似乎太多了,然后检查 NSIS 。伟大的简单的我只需要复制文件式安装,没有那么大的企业部署。如果两者之间正在撕裂,那么也许去看看罗布Mensching的旧博客安装时不只是XCOPY 。文章有可能是什么使我确信,潜水和学习基本的Windows安装程序的概念将在长期回报。它具有:)

If this all seems too much, then check out NSIS. Great for simple "I just need to copy files" type installations, not so great for enterprise deployments. If you're torn between the two then maybe go take a look at Rob Mensching's old blog when setup isn't just xcopy. Articles there are probably what convinced me that diving in and learning the underlying Windows Installer concepts would pay off in the long run. And it has :)


