如何使用System.IO.Com pression读/写ZIP文件?如何使用、文件、System、Com

由网友(两眼一睁开始竞争)分享简介:我知道有库在那里与ZIP文件的工作。而且,你也可以使用Windows内置的功能为工作ZIP文件。I know there are libraries out there for working with ZIP files. And, you can alternatively use the functionali...


I know there are libraries out there for working with ZIP files. And, you can alternatively use the functionality built into Windows for working ZIP files.

不过,我想知道是否有人制定了如何使用内置的System.IO.Com pression命名空间中的工具,在.NET读/写ZIP文件?或者,仅使用此命名空间是不可能的?

But, I'm wondering if anyone has worked out how to use the tools built into the System.IO.Compression namespace within .NET for reading/writing ZIP files? Or, is it not possible using only this namespace?


UPDATED: I've seem someone comment that the System.IO.Packaging namespace might be usefull with this also. Does anyone know exactly how to do it?


MSDN有一个完整的例如 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.packaging.zippackage.aspx使用ZipPackage类。需要.NET 3.5。

MSDN has a complete example http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.packaging.zippackage.aspx using the ZipPackage class. Requires .NET 3.5.


