
由网友(大猪蹄子)分享简介:我想数组键设置像在下面的示例中的字符串,但 C#。< PHP$阵列=阵列();$阵列['KEY_NAME'] =值1;?>解决方案 你最近在C#中是 词典< TKEY的,TValue> :VAR字典=新字典<字符串,字符串>();字典[KEY_NAME] =值1;请注意,词...

我想数组键设置像在下面的示例中的字符串,但 C#

 < PHP
$阵列['KEY_NAME'] =值1;


你最近在C#中是 词典< TKEY的,TValue>

字典[KEY_NAME] =值1;

请注意,词典< TKEY的,TValue> 是没有的一样PHP的关联数组,因为它的只有一个类型的密钥访问( TKEY的 - 这是字符串在上面的例子),而不是串/整数键组合(感谢帕维尔澄清了这一点)。


JavaScript Obfuscator4.0.0字符串阵列化Bug及修复方法


//符合+ 1。
字符串[] headersSplit = line.Split(:);

串hname = headersSplit [0];

// headersSplit阵列仅具有一个元素。这告诉我,行不
串hvalue = headersSplit [1];

I am trying to set the array keys as a strings like in the example below, but inC#.

$array = array();
$array['key_name'] = "value1";


The closest you get in C# is Dictionary<TKey, TValue>:

var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dict["key_name"] = "value1";

Note that a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is not the same as PHP's associative array, because it is only accessible by one type of key (TKey -- which is string in the above example), as opposed to a combination of string/integer keys (thanks to Pavel for clarifying this point).

That said, I've never heard a .NET developer complain about that.

In response to your comment:

// The number of elements in headersSplit will be the number of ':' characters
// in line + 1.
string[] headersSplit = line.Split(':');

string hname = headersSplit[0];

// If you are getting an IndexOutOfRangeException here, it is because your
// headersSplit array has only one element. This tells me that line does not
// contain a ':' character.
string hvalue = headersSplit[1];


