像[1] [1] [1] [1] ... [1]在C#最大数组维数组、最大

由网友(久伴于老)分享简介:我刚刚看到this问题INFACT试图回答它。不过,在回答我想这可能是在情况C#的答案吗?我在找一些MSDN文档或像的Java 任何相关来源I just saw this question and infact tried to answer it as well. But while answering I tho...

我刚刚看到this问题INFACT试图回答它。不过,在回答我想这可能是在情况C#的答案吗?我在找一些MSDN文档或像的Java 任何相关来源

I just saw this question and infact tried to answer it as well. But while answering I thought what could be the answer in case of C#? I am looking for some MSDN doc or any relevant source like in Java

什么是允许在C#中的数组像最大尺寸的[1] [1] [1] [1] ... [1] 。我试图寻找对SO,但未能找到。

What is the maximum dimension allowed for an array in C# like a[1][1][1][1]....[1]. I tried to search on SO but was not able to find.

我起身到最好的是数组理论上最多有 2,147,483,647 元素,因为它使用了一个int进行索引。

The best I got up to was that "An array could theoretically have at most 2,147,483,647 elements, since it uses an int for indexing."


Also I am aware of the fact that Maximum Size that an Array can hold is



Kindly do let me know if this is a duplicate I will delete my question.



The limit is 32. I found the answer here, and (using google) checked it with the code:

var b = Array.CreateInstance(typeof (int), new int[32]);
var a = Array.CreateInstance(typeof (int), new int[33]);


It applies for both 64 and 32-bit targeted applications.

其实,我不需要用Google搜索了。直接从 MSDN :

Actually, I needn't have googled it. Straight from MSDN:

元素是在数组中的值。阵列的长度是元件它可以包含的总数。数组中的排名是在阵列的维数。下界数组的一个维度是数组的维度的起始索引;多维数组可以有不同的边界为每个维度。 阵列最多可以有32尺寸

An element is a value in an Array. The length of an Array is the total number of elements it can contain. The rank of an Array is the number of dimensions in the Array. The lower bound of a dimension of an Array is the starting index of that dimension of the Array; a multidimensional Array can have different bounds for each dimension. An array can have a maximum of 32 dimensions.


About jagged arrays

However, I just noticed that the syntax you used in your edit (and also the syntax Peter used in the comments below) isn't how multi-dimensional arrays are defined in C#. Multi-dimensional arrays are defined as:

int[,,,] arr = new int[0,0,0];


And they are arrays of regular integers, that happen to have multiple dimensions. The syntax:

int[][][] = new int[0][][];


Defines something that in C# is called a jagged array. Jagged arrays are just regular, single-dimensional arrays that happen to have other arrays as elements. You can have multi-dimensional arrays of jagged arrays, or the other way around, as the MSDN article points out.


They are treated differently, however. Jagged arrays are just arrays of (effectiely) regular* objects, and as such, aren't regulated in the same way as multi-dimensional arrays. There is no theoretical limit to the number of "dimensions" a jagged array can have, and in fact the CLR happily let me run the following code:

Array arr = new int[0];
for (int i = 0; i < Int32.MaxValue - 1; i++) {
    var newArr = Array.CreateInstance(arr.GetType(), 1);
    newArr.SetValue(arr, 0);
    arr = newArr;


Right up until my system became completely unresponsive and crashed. No exception was thrown.


Limiting the loop to 1000 iterations, you find that the type of the resulting array is:


在此外,虽然我找不到这个源,维数交错数组可以具有大概甚至没有由单个对象的内存限制的限制,因为每个阵列仅具有对对象的引用。例如,交错数组(最终)的Int32 使用,,比方说1000嵌套因子和每个阵​​列2的元素,将占用的存储器可忽略量(即在其自己的),但所有的阵列结合将占用一个指数量

In addition, although I can't find a source for this, the number of dimensions a jagged array can have probably isn't even limited by the single object memory limitation, because each array only has references to objects. For example, a jagged array of (eventually) Int32 with a nesting factor of, say, 1000 and 2 elements per array, would take up a negligible amount of memory (that is, on its own), but all the arrays combined would take up an exponential amount.

*随着语法糖一点点。编码交错数组的更语法正确的方法是: INT [] [] ARR =新INT [] [0]; ,因为 INT [] 的元素类型。

* With a little bit of syntax sugar. A more syntactically correct way of encoding jagged arrays would be: int[][] arr = new int[][0]; because int[] is the element type.

维数组可以拥有的数量似乎是实现定义的。该数字不出现在CLI规范的任何位置,彼得提供的code 下面的Ideone的单运行良好2.8,在那里它会出现上限为255

The number of dimensions an array can have appears to be implementation-defined. The number doesn't appear anywhere in the CLI specification, and the code provided by Peter below runs fine on Ideone's mono-2.8, where it appears the limit is 255.


