
由网友(念七)分享简介:TDD的东西,这似乎是每个人的嘴唇这些天,我已经尝试了一些我自己,但我不认为我得到的想法。我正在就如何编写单元测试的抓地力,但我不明白到底是什么我的单元测试应该测试。TDD is something that seems to be on everybody's lips these days, and I hav...


TDD is something that seems to be on everybody's lips these days, and I have tried some on my own but I don't think I'm getting the idea. I am getting a grip on how to write a unit test, but I don't understand exactly what my unit tests should test.

如果我有一个返回的数据列表的操作方法,我应该怎么检查?只有视图名称是正确的,或者我应该核实数据呢? 如果我要测试数据为好,不会我可以写相同的code两次?有什么用测试数据,如果我用同样的方法来检索数据,我比较? 我应该测试方法添加/编辑我的数据吗?我如何验证一个记录已被添加/修改/删除,以正确的方式?


I know it's quite a lot of large questions, but I haven't become any wiser from reading articles on the internet, as they all seem to be concerned with how to test, and not with what.

作为一个例子 - 我有(或者,我会写)一GuestbookController,与观看方式,添加,编辑和删除帖子。我需要做什么测试?我该怎么做呢?

As an example - I have (or, am going to write) a GuestbookController, with methods for viewing, adding, editing and removing posts. What do I need to test? How do I do it?


这混乱似乎是相当普遍的。 UT是所有关于code覆盖。 TDD涉及的功能的。他们的没有的同样的事情[乔尔对不起!]

Unit Testing (UT) != Test Driven Design (TDD)

This confusion seems to be fairly common. UT is all about code coverage. TDD is concerned with features. They are not the same thing [sorry Joel!]


With UT, you write whatever code you want to, then go back and test every single function (even some of the trivial ones).


With TDD, you select the next feature and write the test for that feature first. Write only the test for that feature, and test coverage is irrelevant. You write the test first to force interface decisions to be made up front. Then you write the code to pass the test (bearing in mind the 'simplest thing that can possibly work'). Then you refactor the code based on what you've learned. Then you go on to the next feature (presumably after check-in and re-running all unit tests).

如果需要,开发使用TDD再回去完全覆盖与UT工具。如果您要创建一个类库或其它的API供开发人员使用,更多的测试覆盖率越好; - )

If desired, develop using TDD then go back and complete coverage with UT tools. If you're creating a class library or other API for developers to use, the more test coverage the better ;-)


If you're just writing an app to do five specific things, TDD alone should be sufficient.


