由网友(你若要走,我拼命挽留。)分享简介:我们有网站,使用NT AUTHORITY \网络服务。 We have website that uses "NT Authority\Network Service". Response.Write(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); 目前,我们正在使用以下命令将配置文件进行加...

我们有网站,使用NT AUTHORITY 网络服务。

We have website that uses "NT AuthorityNetwork Service".



We are currently using the following command to encrypt the config files.

aspnet_regiis -pc "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey"
aspnet_regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "NT AuthorityNetwork Service"
aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" "C:WebAppLocationFolder"


Note: We are not using "-exp". When we use "-exp" it is not creating RSA Key Container.

正如你所看到的,我们使用的是默认的键盘NetFrameworkConfigurationKey。我们的网站有一个负载平衡器。 Webserver1(W1)和WebServer2(W2)是可用的。

AS you can see, we are using the default key- NetFrameworkConfigurationKey. Our website has a load balancer. Webserver1(W1) and WebServer2 (W2) are available.


If I follow the above mentioned commands, we will be using separate keys on W1 and W2. However the website works with this approach.

是这种做法是否足够?  它是否有任何缺点或secuirty孔? 在任何情况下它会失败?

Is this approach sufficient? Does it got any shortcomings or secuirty holes? Will it fail in any scenario?


Note: Machine key is added in our web.config. It is same in both config. However, our configProtectedData is not in the Web.Config. Also,I think, NetFrameworkConfigurationKey will be different in both the servers.

我已经阅读下面的MSDN aricle为加密的Web场方案。

I have read the following msdn aricle for Encryption in Web Farm Scenarios.



I doesn't sound to me like you've done everything correctly. First of all, there's two issues here:

确保的machineKey 是在两个Web服务器相同。 在确保安装在两台服务器上的一个关键的容器相同的RSA私钥,这样加密的配置可以由每个服务器进行解密。 Ensuring the machineKey is the same on both web servers. Ensuring the same RSA private key is installed in a key container on both servers so that the encrypted configuration can be decrypted by each server.


所以首先在为aspnet_regiis -pc 命令用于创建一个新的RSA密钥容器和它的失败的原因是,您所指定的容器名称已经存在因为它是默认的。在这个容器中的密钥对是输不出去的,所以你需要创建一个新的密钥容器,并指定 -exp 开关来表示,该密钥对是出口。

So first of all the aspnet_regiis -pc command is used to create a new RSA key container and the reason it's failing is that the container name you've specified already exists because it's the default. The keypair in this container is not exportable so you need to create a new key container and specify the -exp switch to denote that the keypair is exportable.

aspnet_regiis -pc "MyDeploymentKeyContainer" -exp


Then export the key to a file, including the private key: the private key is used to decrypt the config section so the web server will need it.

aspnet_regiis -px "MyDeploymentKeyContainer" deploykey.xml -pri


Now add the config section to your web.config and save it.

  <add keyContainerName="MyDeploymentKeyContainer" 
           description="Uses RsaCryptoServiceProvider to encrypt and decrypt"
     type="System.Configuration.RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider,System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />


Then encrypt the web.config section specifying the provider name as shown above (here it is "DeploymentProvider")

aspnet_regiis -pef "connectionStrings" "C:WebAppLocationFolder" -prov "DeploymentProvider"


Now you need to deploy the app to both servers and import the RSA key container you exported to the file earlier. Copy the file up and on each server run:

aspnet_regiis -pi deploykey.xml

完成之后从服务器删除文件 - 你不希望它挂的。在这两个网站的服务器上运行的Web应用程序访问密钥容器最后授予应用程序池的用户帐户。

Once that's done delete the file from the server - you don't want it hanging about. Finally grant the user account for the app pool running your web app access to the key container on both web servers.

aspnet_regiis -pa "MyDeploymentKeyContainer" SomeDomainSomeAccount

