DDD - 如何实现高性能的存储库进行搜索高性能、如何实现、DDD

由网友(差不多先森)分享简介:我有一个关于DDD和存储库模式的问题。 I have a question regarding DDD and the repository pattern. 说我对顾客聚集根的客户信息库。在获取和放大器; Find方法返回完全填充骨料,其中包括像Address对象,等等都不错。但是,当用户搜索在UI客户,我只需要...


I have a question regarding DDD and the repository pattern.

说我对顾客聚集根的客户信息库。在获取和放大器; Find方法返回完全填充骨料,其中包括像Address对象,等等都不错。但是,当用户搜索在UI客户,我只需要集合体的摘要 - 与汇总信息只是一个平面物体。

Say I have a Customer repository for the Customer aggregate root. The Get & Find methods return the fully populated aggregate, which includes objects like Address, etc. All good. But when the user is searching for a customer in the UI, I just require a 'summary' of the aggregate - just a flat object with summarised information.

我可以处理的一种方法是调用库中的查找方法,正常,然后在应用层中,映射每个客户聚集到CustomerSearchResult通过/ customerinfo DTO,并将它们发送回客户端。

One way I could deal with this is to call the find method on the repository as normal, and then in the application layer, map each customer aggregate to a CustomerSearchResult / CustomerInfo DTO, and send them back to the client.


But my problem with this is performance; each Customer aggregate may require multiple queries to populate all of the associations. So if my search criteria matched 50 customers, that's quite a hit on the DB for potentially retrieving data I'm not even going to need.


The other issue is that I may wish to include summarised data about the customer that is outside of the Customer's aggregate root boundary, such as the date of the last order made for example. Order has it's own aggregate and therefore to get the customer's order information I would have to call the OrderRepository, also degrading performance.


So now I think I'm left with two options:


Add an additional Find method to the CustomerRepository which returns a list of these summary objects by doing one efficient query.


Create a purpose built readonly CustomerInfoRepository, that just has the find method described in 1.


But both of these feel like I'm going against the principles of DDD. My repositories inherit from a generic base: Repository where T : IAggregateRoot. These summary info object are not an aggregates, and are of a different type to T, so really #1 goes against the design.


Perhaps for #2 I would create an abstract SearchRepository without the IAggregateRoot constraint?


There are many similar scenarios in my domain.


How would you implement this scenario?

谢谢, 戴夫



After reading Theo's answer, I think I will go with option #2 and create a specialised SearchRepository within my infrastructure geared towards these scenarios. The application layer (WCF services) can then call these repositories that just populate the summary DTOs directly rather than mapping domain entities to DTOs.

的更新2 **

Update 2 **


Although I asked this over a year ago I thought I'd just add that I've since discovered CQRS which is aimed at solving this exact problem. Udi Dahan (http://www.udidahan.com/) and Greg Young (http://codebetter.com/gregyoung/) have written a lot about it. If you are creating a distributed application with DDD, CQRS is for you!



I think that you only want to display summarized information. These bits of summarized information are no entities or value objects of the domain model. They are only information, nothing more.

这多少有点像显示报告信息。如果我处理这样的事情,我不会坚持到纯DDD方法。你的建议的选项都OK,因为它让你的工作做好。 DDD应该不会被视为教条。创造性思考。拧松了一下DDD。

It is something like showing reporting information. If I deal with such things, I would not stick to the pure DDD approach. Your suggested options are OK, because it's getting your job done. DDD should be not treated as dogma. Think outside the box. Loosen up a bit DDD.


But be aware that you are just creating informational values outside the model for displaying purpose. So if a user selects one bit of information to make some operation with it (which is defined in the domain model), you need to extract the identifier from the informational values and pull out the entity/value object/aggregate from a repository.


I strongly recommend this video: Eric Evans: What I've learned about DDD since the book. If you read his book, you really should see the whole video. Pay very close attention at about time 30:00 where Eric Evans himself talks about aggregates and refers to the problem you currently have.


