枚举命名约定 - 复数复数

由网友(凋谢了灿烂)分享简介:我要问这个问题,尽管在看过类似的,但不是我想要的http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495051/c-naming-convention-for-enum-and-matching-propertyI'm asking this question despite having rea...


I'm asking this question despite having read similar but not exactly what I want at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495051/c-naming-convention-for-enum-and-matching-property


I found I have a tendency to name enums in plural and then 'use' them as singular, example:

public enum EntityTypes {
  Type1, Type2

public class SomeClass {
    some codes

  public EntityTypes EntityType {get; set;}



Of course it works and this is my style, but can anyone find potential problem with such convention? I do have an "ugly" naming with the word "Status" though:

public enum OrderStatuses {
  Pending, Fulfilled, Error, Blah, Blah

public class SomeClass {
    some codes

  public OrderStatuses OrderStatus {get; set;}


附加信息: 也许我的问题是不够清楚。我经常在命名我的定义枚举类型的变量,费尽心思。我知道最好的做法,但它并不能帮助缓解我命名这些变量的工作。

Additional Info: Maybe my question wasn't clear enough. I often have to think hard when naming the variables of the my defined enum types. I know the best practice, but it doesn't help to ease my job of naming those variables.


I can't possibly expose all my enum properties (say "Status") as "MyStatus".

我的问题:任何人都可以找到以上所描述与我的约定潜在的问题? 这是不是最好的做法。

My question: Can anyone find potential problem with my convention described above? It is NOT about best practice.



Well, I guess I should ask the question this way: Can someone come out a good generic way of naming the enum type such that when used, the naming of the enum 'instance' will be pretty straightforward?



Microsoft recommends using singular for Enums unless the Enum represents bit fields (use the FlagsAttribute as well). See Enumeration Type Naming Conventions (a subset of Microsoft's Naming Guidelines).


To respond to your clarification, I see nothing wrong with either of the following:

public enum OrderStatus { Pending, Fulfilled, Error };

public class SomeClass { 
    public OrderStatus OrderStatus { get; set; }

public enum OrderStatus { Pending, Fulfilled, Error };

public class SomeClass {
    public OrderStatus Status { get; set; }

