有没有一种简单的方法在VS 2010中签一个C ++ CLI的组件?组件、简单、方法、VS

由网友(把你捧在手上)分享简介:现在我设置链接器/高级/ KeyFile中选择。Right now I am setting the Linker/Advanced/KeyFile option.我收到的mt.exe:一般警告810100b3:是一种强名称签名的程序集和嵌入清单的签名失效,您将需要重新签署该文件,使之成为有效的程序集。 的。从网...

现在我设置链接器/高级/ KeyFile中选择。

Right now I am setting the Linker/Advanced/KeyFile option.

我收到的mt.exe:一般警告810100b3:是一种强名称签名的程序集和嵌入清单的签名失效,您将需要重新签署该文件,使之成为有效的程序集。 的。


Reading from the web, it sounds like I have to set the delay signing option, download the SDK, and run sn.exe as a post build event. Surely there must be an easier way to do this common operation in VS2010?



There's a fair amount of lameness here, this just never worked before. It got "fixed" in VS2010, mt.exe now generates a warning instead of letting this silently go wrong. Not a real fix, and there's not an obvious one, the linker can't just embed the signature and still allow mt.exe to run afterwards.


The solution is to re-sign the assembly with a post-build event. Make it look like this:

命令= SN -Ra$(TARGETPATH​​)   $(项目名).SNK

Command = sn -Ra "$(TargetPath)" $(ProjectName).snk

如果您还没有密钥文件,你需要创建.snk文件自己,从Visual Studio命令提示符下运行SN.EXE。例如:

If you don't already have the key file, you'll need to create the .snk file yourself, run sn.exe from the Visual Studio Command prompt. for example:

cd whereTheProjectIsLocated
sn.exe -k MyProject.snk


Or extract it from a container or use your designated key file. Delay signing is just a matter of running sn.exe with the proper command line options.


