
由网友(沽酒杯空影)分享简介:我读过(http://blogs.msdn.com/joshwil/archive/2005/08/10/450202.aspx)在.NET对象的最大容量为2 GB。I've read (http://blogs.msdn.com/joshwil/archive/2005/08/10/450202.aspx) tha...

我读过(http://blogs.msdn.com/joshwil/archive/2005/08/10/450202.aspx)在.NET对象的最大容量为2 GB。

I've read (http://blogs.msdn.com/joshwil/archive/2005/08/10/450202.aspx) that the maximum size of an object in .NET is 2 GB.

我是正确的假设,如果我有一个对象,占用了256 MB的内存,因为它是引用类型,我能有这256 MB的对象,所有的对象组合在一起可以卷起> 2GB内存,只要数组作为参考数组的大小保持低于2 GB?

Am I correct in assuming that if I have an Object that takes up 256 MB Memory, since it is a reference type, I can have an array of these 256 MB Objects where all the objects together may takeup >2GB Memory as long as the size of the reference array stays below 2 GB?



Yes, your assumption is correct.


The 2GB limit applies to each object individually. The total memory used for all objects can exceed 2GB.


(Whether the runtime is able to allocate enough memory for your requirements is another matter. I doubt if it could find a full 2GB of spare memory on a 32bit machine, but it shouldn't be a problem on 64bit.)


