团队是由XP32要XP64的.NET开发 - 任何陷阱?是由、陷阱、团队、NET

由网友(霸王の花。)分享简介:我的团队也越来越新XP64工作站。我们一直在使用XP32到现在为止。我们的大部分工作已经完成在托管的C#/ VS2008 / .NET 3.5和SQL Server 2005。不过我们也有仍处于VS2005 / .NET 2.0一对夫妇的应用程序。我们的大多数应用程序都是ASP.NET Web表单应用程序,并且在生产中...

我的团队也越来越新XP64工作站。我们一直在使用XP32到现在为止。我们的大部分工作已经完成在托管的C#/ VS2008 / .NET 3.5和SQL Server 2005。不过我们也有仍处于VS2005 / .NET 2.0一对夫妇的应用程序。我们的大多数应用程序都是ASP.NET Web表单应用程序,并且在生产中64位服务器上运行的WCF服务。但是,我们有一些WPF开发正在进行,将要在32位机器上运行。

My team is getting new XP64 workstations. We've been using XP32 up until now. Most of our work is done in managed C#/VS2008/.net 3.5 and SQL Server 2005. However we do have a couple apps that are still in VS2005/.net 2.0. The majority of our applications are ASP.NET webforms apps and WCF services that are running on 64bit servers in production. However, we have some WPF development going on that will have to run on 32bit machines.


Are there any gotchas or transition pains we should be aware of?


如果您要引用被编译为32位的任何第三方的DLL,那么你将不得不针对您的应用程序的32位。这可以通过更改项目设置或使用 corflags 的应用程序来完成与/ 32BIT +参数。

If you are referencing any third party DLLs that are compiled for 32-bit, then you will have to target your applications for 32-bit. This can be done by either changing the project settings or using the corflags application with the /32BIT+ parameter.

唯一的疑难杂症,我在我的很多XP 64个月都遇到过的一个开发平台是编辑后继续运行不会在Visual Studio调试器中的64位应用程序的工作。

The only "gotcha" that I have encountered in my many months of XP x64 as a development workstation is that Edit-And-Continue does not work in the Visual Studio debugger in 64-bit applications.


