示例:加快反射API与委托的.NET / C#示例、反射、NET、API

由网友(傻里傻气傻孩纸)分享简介:由于被要求在此post,我想出了一个使用委派用来加快恢复体力的.NET / C#的例子。As is asked in this post, I came up with an example that uses Delegate to speedup Refection in .NET/C#.不过,我运行的时候得到...

由于被要求在此post,我想出了一个使用委派用来加快恢复体力的.NET / C#的例子。

As is asked in this post, I came up with an example that uses Delegate to speedup Refection in .NET/C#.


However, I got this error when running (compilation works fine). What might be wrong?

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: type is not a subclass of Multicastdelegate
  at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate (System.Type type, System.Object firstArgument, System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, Boolean throwOnBindFailure, Boolean allowClosed) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate (System.Type type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, Boolean throwOnBindFailure) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate (System.Type type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo method) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EX.RefTest.DelegateTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EX.RefTest.Main () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


这是(工作)来源$ C ​​$ C得益于乔恩和放大器的帮助; ChaosPandion。


This is the (working) source code thanks to the help from Jon & ChaosPandion.

using System.Reflection;
using System;

namespace EX
    public class Hello
        // properties
        public int Valx {get; set;}
        public int Valy {get; set;}
        public Hello()
            Valx = 10; Valy = 20;
        public int Sum(int x, int y)
            Valx = x; Valy = y;
            return (Valx + Valy);
    public class RefTest
        static void DelegateTest()
            Hello h = new Hello();
            Type type = h.GetType();
            MethodInfo m = type.GetMethod("Sum");

            // Wrong! Delegate call = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, m);
            Delegate call = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<int, int, int>), h, m);
            int res = (int) call.DynamicInvoke(new object[] {100, 200});
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", res);
            // This is a direct method implementation from Jon's post, and this is much faster
            Func<int, int, int> sum = (Func<int, int, int>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<int, int, int>), h, m);
            res = sum(100, 200);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", res);
        static void Main()



,我做了一些性能测试使用的总和1000倍。 相较于使用的方法(INT)call.DynamicInvoke(新对象[] {100,200}); Func键&LT; INT,INT, INT&GT;总和=(Func键&LT; INT,INT,INT&GT;)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof运算(Func键&LT; INT,INT,INT&GT;),H,M); 快300倍。


Xilinx推 软 定义网路SDNet

Based on Jon's answer, I did some performance test to use sum 1000 time. Compared to the method of using (int) call.DynamicInvoke(new object[] {100, 200});, Func<int, int, int> sum = (Func<int, int, int>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<int, int, int>), h, m); is 300 times faster.


您好不是委托类型 - 所以你不能将它传递到 Delegate.CreateDelegate 作为第一个参数。您需要使用相同的参数类型和返回类型的委托类型 - 在这种情况下,是这样的:

Hello isn't a delegate type - so you can't pass it into Delegate.CreateDelegate as the first argument. You need a delegate type with the same parameter types and return type - in this case, something like:

delegate int Foo(int x, int y);

Func<int, int, int>

另外请注意, Delegate.CreateDelegate 您已经叫过载,就是要用于的静态的方法 - 你应该利用过载也采取了委托的目标(在这种情况下, ^ h )。

Also note that the overload of Delegate.CreateDelegate you've called is meant to be used for a static method - you ought to be using the overload which also takes the target of the delegate (in this case, h).

我有一个博客文章这说明使用 Delegate.CreateDelegate 加快访问。请注意,我不希望 DynamicInvoke 比直接用反射调用方法显著快......它仍然将不得不检查等,真的是你想要的参数类型一个叫做静态强类型委托类型(而不是动态),以使事情变得真快。

I have a blog post which shows using Delegate.CreateDelegate for speeding up access. Note that I wouldn't expect DynamicInvoke to be significantly faster than calling the method directly with reflection... it's still going to have to check the parameter types etc. Really you want a strongly-typed delegate type called statically (as opposed to dynamically) to make things really fast.


