的MSChart - 自动缩放Y对X坐标轴缩放缩放、坐标轴、MSChart

由网友(抹不掉的轻狂)分享简介:我使用的MSChart,我想使变焦在X轴,一旦这种被放大我想要的Y轴自动缩放到一个合适的范围内为数据可见。I'm using MSChart and I want to enable zoom on the X Axis and once this is zoomed I want the Y Axis to aut...


I'm using MSChart and I want to enable zoom on the X Axis and once this is zoomed I want the Y Axis to auto zoom into a range appropriate for the data viewable.

任何的问题的援助将大大AP preciated!

Any assistance with the problem would be greatly appreciated!




The kind of zooming that you want to do cannot be automatically accomplished by MSChart. Once you have retrieved the 'Zoom-In' X-value range from the user, you need to write a little more code to reset the Y-axis scaling appropriately.


This works most easily if you are using a Line style of data series and your source data for that series is stored as a SortedList.

Dim firstXindex as Int32 = myDataSeries.IndexOfKey(firstXzoomValue)
Dim lastXindex as Int32 = myDataSeries.IndexOfKey(lastXzoomValue)    

Dim minY as Double = 1.7E+308
Dim maxY as Double = -1.7E+308  

For i = firstXindex To lastXindex
    If myDataSeries.GetByIndex(i) > maxY Then
        maxY = myDataSeries.GetByIndex(i)
    End If
    If myDataSeries.GetByIndex(i) < minY Then
        minY = myDataSeries.GetByIndex(i)
    End If


Once you have used something like the code above to get your minY and maxY, you can then use those values to reset the min and max Y-axis values on the ChartArea:

With myChartArea
  .AxisY.Maximum = maxY
  .AxisY.Minimum = minY
End With

