为什么我不能暴露在.NET ASMX的Web服务的接口?接口、NET、ASMX、Web

由网友(可爱到不行)分享简介:我有一个.NET Web服务(使用ASMX ...还没有升级到WCF还),公开以下内容:I have a .NET web service (using asmx...have not upgraded to WCF yet) that exposes the following:public class Widg...

我有一个.NET Web服务(使用ASMX ...还没有升级到WCF还),公开以下内容:

I have a .NET web service (using asmx...have not upgraded to WCF yet) that exposes the following:

public class WidgetVersion1 : IWidget {}
public class WidgetVersion2 : IWidget {}


When I attempt to bind to the web service, I get the following serialization error:


我曾尝试添加各种属性,在iWidget接口( XmlIgnore SoapIgnore 非序列化),但它们是无效的接口上。​​

I have tried adding various attributes to the IWidget interface (XmlIgnore, SoapIgnore, NonSerialized), but they are not valid on an interface.


Does anyone know why I am unable to expose the interface? I assume WSDL does not support interfaces, but couldn't .NET get around this by simply not serializing the interface? Are there any ways around this apart from removing the IWidget interface from the WidgetVersion1 and WidgetVersion2 class definitions?



WCF can't serialize an interface either; in fact, it's impossible to serialize an interface over SOAP.


The reason (simplified) is that, when deserializing, .NET has to be able to create some actual concrete class. An interface is an abstract concept; there always has to be a "real" class implementation behind it in order for an actual instance to exist.


Since you can't construct a physical instance of an interface, it also can't be serialized.

如果你想使用 XmlIgnoreAttribute ,明白,把它应用到的键入的将一事无成。它需要的,而不是应用到的成员。换句话说:

If you're trying to use the XmlIgnoreAttribute, understand that applying it to the type won't accomplish anything. It needs to be applied to the member instead. In other words:

public class SerializableClass
    public int ID { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public IMyInterface Intf { get; set; }

...将系列化确定,因为串行不会尝试序列化 INTF 属性。你就不能添加 [XmlIgnore] 属性添加到 IMyInterface的类型定义(它不会编译)。

...will serialize OK, because the serializer won't try to serialize the Intf property. You just can't add the [XmlIgnore] attribute to the IMyInterface type definition (it won't compile).


