
由网友(眼眸里的殇、无人能懂)分享简介:我知道我要的不可以依赖于有托管和非托管线程之间有一个一对一的映射。从 MSDN :I know I should not rely upon that there is one-to-one mapping between managed and unmanaged threads. From MSDN:的操作系统的...

我知道我要的不可以依赖于有托管和非托管线程之间有一个一对一的映射。从 MSDN :

I know I should not rely upon that there is one-to-one mapping between managed and unmanaged threads. From MSDN:



In real life though, do such CLR hosts exist? (and if so, what are they?) I just answered a related question, and I wonder how practically bad my advice was for that particular case.


一会或可能是微软的SQL Server(从2005版)。 IIRC特定主机支持是应其要求,甚至内置在CLR 2.0(另见的这篇博客获得更多的背景),因此使用纤维(又名用户模式调度时,他们也可以支持,而不是在SQL Server线程的CLR)。

One would or could have been Microsoft SQL Server (starting with version 2005). IIRC that particular hosting support was even built into the CLR 2.0 upon their request (also see this blog post for more background), so that they could also support the CLR when using fibers (aka user mode scheduling) instead of threads in SQL Server.


However, that never really did work, it seems (source):

公共语言运行库不支持下(CLR)执行   轻型池。关闭两个选项之一:CLR启用或   轻型池。

Common language runtime (CLR) execution is not supported under lightweight pooling. Disable one of two options: "clr enabled" or "lightweight pooling.


I would consider it rather safe to assume that there are no (production ready) hosts out there, that don't map CLR threads to host threads 1:1.

有一对夫妇的Q&放大器; A周围,这样似乎表明同一

There are a couple of Q&A around SO that seem to suggest the same.


是线程的内核对象? 如何强制CLR的表现出操作系统的线程切换? Is Thread is kernel object ? How do I force the CLR to exhibit OS thread switching?

