
由网友(钻进你的被窝)分享简介:我使用实体框架code先创造我的表。请注意 - 创建表,而不是数据库,因为我工作的一个托管环境,我没有被允许创建数据库的用户。提交一个数据库的更新工作正常,但在检索​​数据给出了异常:异常详细信息:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:无效的对象名称dbo.EventHosts我读过,这...

我使用实体框架code先创造我的表。请注意 - 创建表,而不是数据库,因为我工作的一个托管环境,我没有被允许创建数据库的用户




我读过,这是因为我没有使用EF code首先创建数据库。这很好,但我如何优雅地解决这个问题?







例如,你可以覆盖 OnModelCreating 和使用反射来获取所有的 DbSet<> 在上下文中声明的属性。比你可以只使用简单的循环对这些属性和创建 ToTable 映射调用的属性作为表名和您的自定义模式的名称。这将需要一些上场与反思,使这项工作。


自定义在实体框架code头伏约定4.1 在实体框架4.1的最终约定


I'm using entity framework code first to create my tables. Please note - create the tables, not the DB, since I'm working on a hosted environment and I don't have a user that is allowed to create db's.

Committing a DB update works fine, but retreiving data gives the exception:

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.EventHosts'.

I've read that it happens because I'm not using EF Code First to create the DB. That's fine, but how do I elegantly solve this?

All the generated tables do not have a prefix like dbo. A solution like this doesn't work, and isn't elegant at all:

[Table("EventHosts", Schema = "")]


To answer your first question: use the schema created for you by your hosting provider.

To answer your second question: No there is currently no direct way to change the default schema globally because you cannot modify existing conventions or create new conventions. You can try to hack it.

For example you can override OnModelCreating and use reflection to get all DbSet<> properties declared in your context. Than you can just use simple loop on these properties and create ToTable mapping call with name of the property as table name and your custom schema. It will require some playing with reflection to make this work.

Alternatively you can try to do some reusable approach by implementing custom conventions. You can find many different articles about using your own conventions with EF. Some examples:

Custom Conventions in Entity Framework Code First v 4.1 Conventions in Entity Framework 4.1 Final

My high level untested idea is following same principle and create assembly level attribute which will be processed by the convention mechanism and applied on all your entities.


