如何共享一个SQL Server CE数据库文件(。自卫队)的多个进程?自卫队、多个、数据库文件、进程

由网友(痞子)分享简介:我在SQL Server CE数据库。当连接不同的计算机的多个应用程序向数据库抛出异常。I have a database in SQL Server CE. When connecting several applications of different computers to the database thr...

我在SQL Server CE数据库。当连接不同的计算机的多个应用程序向数据库抛出异常。

I have a database in SQL Server CE. When connecting several applications of different computers to the database throw an exception.


有一个文件共享冲突。一个不同的进程可能会使用   文件。   异常的类型为SqlCeException

There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. type of exception is "SqlCeException".


Data Source=serverProductionDBProductionControl.sdf;File Mode=Read Write; Max Database Size = 4000

的SQL Server CE的版本是3.5 SP2

The version of SQL Server CE is 3.5 SP2


我误解你的问题开始,但我不认为SQL Server CE的支持来自不同计算机的多个连接。

I misread your question initially, but I don't believe SQL Server CE supports multiple connections from different computers.

从MS guide:

在您需要的数据服务功能,如支持多个远程能力   用户,你应该开始使用SQL Server防爆preSS版和工作了数据业务的家谱。

When you require data service functionality, such as the ability to support multiple, remote users, you should start with SQL Server Express Edition and work up the data service family tree.


You can have multiple connections (up to 256) from the same machine, but connections from multiple machines requires SQL Express Edition. It's freely available and easy to deploy.



