
由网友(我的、自由式╭ァ)分享简介:因此​​,我通过我的第一个WPF项目的工作,我喜欢我所看到为止。还有更多的学习曲线比我的预期,但仍然WPF是pretty的凉爽。不过,我挣扎与数据绑定的概念一点点。一个具体的问题,我是怎么让我的数据绑定声明重构安全吗?考虑这个例子。So I am working through my first WPF projec...


So I am working through my first WPF project and I am liking what I see so far. There was more of learning curve than what I anticipated, but nevertheless WPF is pretty cool. However, I am struggling a little bit with the data binding concepts. One specific question I have is how do I make my data binding declarations refactor safe? Consider this example.

public class MyDataObject
  public string FooProperty { get; set; }

void Bind() 
  var gridView = myListView.View as GridView;
    new GridViewColumn() 
        Header = "FooHeader", 
        DisplayMember = new Binding("FooProperty")
  List<MyDataObject> source = GetData();
  myListView.ItemsSource = source;


So what if I rename the FooProperty on my data object to something else? The data binding will be invalid and I will not get a compile error since the binding was declared via text only. Is there a way to make the binding a little more refactor safe?


您可以使用lambda EX pression到前preSS属性的名称,而不是直接使用的名称:

You could use a lambda expression to express the property name, rather than using the name directly :

    protected static string GetPropertyName<TSource, TResult>(Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> expression)
        if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Lambda && expression.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
            PropertyInfo prop = (expression.Body as MemberExpression).Member as PropertyInfo;
            if (prop != null)
                return prop.Name;
        throw new ArgumentException("expression", "Not a property expression");


DisplayMember = new Binding(GetPropertyName((MyDataObject o) => o.FooProperty))


OK, it's a bit verbose... If you want something shorter, you could also create a helper method :

public Binding CreateBinding<TSource, TResult>(Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> expression)
    return new Binding(GetPropertyName(expression))

DisplayMember = CreateBinding((MyDataObject o) => o.FooProperty)

通过这种方式,重构应正常工作,如果您重命名的属性(除当然XAML ...)

That way, the refactoring should work fine if you rename the property (except in the XAML of course...)


