我如何触发或SU preSS的Windows虚拟键盘显示器显示器、键盘、SU、preSS

由网友(眷恋你一生一世)分享简介:在WPF我有一个屏幕用于登录其中有一个文本框,输入用户名和密码一个密码箱。我的理想需要prevent屏幕上的键盘无法显示,所以我可以在应用程序的最佳地点使用自定义键盘。如果做不到这一点,我需要以某种方式强制屏幕键盘以显示密码框。In WPF I have a screen for login which has a...


In WPF I have a screen for login which has a textbox for username and a password box for password. I ideally need to prevent the on-screen keyboard from displaying so I can use a custom keyboard in the perfect location in the app. Failing that I need to somehow force the on-screen keyboard to display for the password box.

我已经找到了Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.TextInputPanel似乎有大部分在.NET 3.5中这一功能,但我找不到在.NET 4.0中的等价

I've found the Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.TextInputPanel seems to have most of this functionality in .net 3.5, but I can't find an equivalent in .net 4.0


P.S. Any textboxes on other forms need to work as normal, and other applications on the same tablet should ideally also be unaffected, so I'm uncomfortable with surpressing the TIP using a registry key.



You cannot show / hide the virtual keyboard from .Net managed code. However, as the virtual keyboard is just a standard windows application you can simply show / hide it by starting the appropriate Process.

var virtualKeyboard = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
virtualKeyboard = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("osk.exe"); // open
virtualKeyboard.Kill(); // close

