


I'm using DataContractSerializer to serialize/deserialize my classes to/from XML. Everything works fine, but at some point I'd like to establish a standard schema for the format of these XML files independent of the actual code. That way if something breaks in the serialization process I can always go back and check what the standard schema should be. Or if I do need to modify the schema the modification is an explicit decision rather then just a later affect of modifying my code.


In addition, other people may be writing other software that may not be .NET based that would need to read from these XML files. I'd like to be able to provide them with some kind of documentation of the schema.


Is there some relationship between a DataContract and an XSD schema. Is there a way to export the DataContract attributes in classes as an XSD schema?


SvcUtil工具。 EXE可以导出元数据的汇编的数据合同。 有间 DataContract和XSD 关系:

Svcutil.exe can "export metadata for compiled data contracts". There is relationship between DataContract and XSD:


The DataContractSerializer maps CLR types to XSD when metadata is exported from a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service using a metadata endpoint or the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (Svcutil.exe). For more information, see Data Contract Serializer.


The DataContractSerializer also maps XSD to CLR types when Svcutil.exe is used to access Web Services Description Language (WSDL) or XSD documents and generate data contracts for services or clients.

您可以得到XSD(S)在运行时为好,甚至在你的浏览器中,通过的设置一个 MEX终结。 默认WSDL将包含对XSD(s)表示,可以通过端点访问以及

You can get the XSD(s) at run-time as well, even in your browser, by setting up a MEX endpoint. The WSDL by default will contain references to XSD(s) that can be accessed through the endpoint as well.


