
由网友(千觴i)分享简介:我继承了一把umbraco CMS项目中,一把umbraco实例和自定义用户控件我们的测试服务器上存在的最初版本已经演示版的客户端了。我现在需要借此上,初步构建了一个自由职业者开发我的时间之前完成注册,没有文件存在于建立,部署,等等。I have inherited an Umbraco CMS project, t...

我继承了一把umbraco CMS项目中,一把umbraco实例和自定义用户控件我们的测试服务器上存在的最初版本已经演示版的客户端了。我现在需要借此上,初步构建了一个自由职业者开发我的时间之前完成注册,没有文件存在于建立,部署,等等。

I have inherited an Umbraco CMS project, the Umbraco instance and custom user controls exist on our test server as the initial build has been demo-ed to the client already. I now need to take this on, the initial build was done by a freelance dev before my time here and no documentation exists on set up, deployment, etc.


The custom usercontrols were under source control and build ok, after a bit of bug fixing. I have followed the following to try and get an instance of the Umbraco install and custom controls working on my machine for developing against.



我指着一把umbraco web配置在与相关内容的数据库,并可以访问CMS的后端,但是当我去到Default.aspx我只是得到一个空白页。我已经设置了VS2010抛出CLR异常,并开始在调试模式下的解决方案,以查看是否有错误被抛出,并没有什么。

I am pointing the Umbraco web config at the database with the relevant content in and can access the back end of the CMS, however when i go to the Default.aspx i just get a blank page. I have set VS2010 up to throw CLR exceptions and started the solution in debug mode to see if an error is being thrown and nothing.


Can anyone either suggest things to try and get it running properly or point me to some resources tha might help?




如果您有 IIS前安装preSS ,我发现最简单的就是:

If you have IIS Express installed, what I have found easiest is to:

从服务器站点的文件系统复制到本地计算机的的Inetpub文件夹。 在IIS中创建一个网站,并指出这些文件。 在Visual Studio中,单击文件,打开,网站,然后选择该网站。

如果您有href="http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=1491"> 的安装MVC框架的


