
由网友(君心今何在°)分享简介:长Exec的是安装.NET 3.5,进出的脚本是基于关闭这一个:的http://www.blackhillsoftware.com/blog/2006/06/26/using-innosetup-with-the-dotnet-framework/The long Exec is installing .NET 3...

长Exec的是安装.NET 3.5,进出的脚本是基于关闭这一个: 的http://www.blackhillsoftware.com/blog/2006/06/26/using-innosetup-with-the-dotnet-framework/

The long Exec is installing .NET 3.5, and out script is based off this one: http://www.blackhillsoftware.com/blog/2006/06/26/using-innosetup-with-the-dotnet-framework/

问题是,它使用ewWaitUntilTerminated,因为我们需要捕获退出code。我们正在运行它/​​被动/ norestart更新日志文件,以便它在用户的一部分(也许我们不应该?)

The problem is that it's using "ewWaitUntilTerminated" because we need to capture the exit code. It's made a little worse by the fact that we're running it /passive /norestart so that it's less work on the user's part (Maybe we shouldn't?)


The easiest option I could think of is to hide the window while it's installing .NET and showing it again after it's done, but I'm not sure how to do that.


The ideal solution would be to show a progress page, but it doesn't seem like it'd be possible since we'd need to return right away but somehow still be notified when the process exits and capture the exit code otherwise we'd just have an eternal progress bar.



Minimizing would probably be better, but not sure how to do that either. We do display a message informing the user that the process may take 10-20 minutes, however the problem is that the main setup form is completely frozen, can't move, minimize or do anything with it. Also running /passive the .NET installer doesn't actually show any progress for a good minute or two on a slower machine.



We've needed to install .NET with a couple products, and have taken two approaches:

当用InnoSetup安装.NET,我们让用户知道安装将花费很长的时间,并期待某个消息时,它是完整的 我们开始.NET建立不带任何标志,通过它来强制客户端。这样,如果他们在技术上更倾向于他们知道为什么安装时要花这么长时间


We've honestly had better luck with the 2nd option, particularly now that more system admins seem to lock down desktops to a certain degree.


