实体框架 - 遍历的更新属性遍历、实体、框架、属性

由网友(逍遥天下,我最大ㄨ)分享简介:我试图寻找通过EF对象的属性的方式来循环和更新这些属性的值。更具体地讲我有填充了50 dropdownlists 50场。所有50可以或可以不需要填充。I am trying to find a way to loop through the properties of an EF object and update...

我试图寻找通过EF对象的属性的方式来循环和更新这些属性的值。更具体地讲我有填充了50 dropdownlists 50场。所有50可以或可以不需要填充。

I am trying to find a way to loop through the properties of an EF object and update the values of these properties. More specifically I have 50 fields that are populated by up to 50 dropdownlists. All 50 may or may not need to be populated.

要解决这个问题我有一个中继器,将创建多达50个DDL。用户将选择每一个,然后preSS的更新按钮的值。我通过项目循环的中继器,并能保持我就在中继器迭代的次数。我也想用这个数就知道我需要更新哪些字段。例如DDL1 = FIELD1,DDL2 = FIELD2,...)。

To solve this I have a repeater that will create up to 50 DDL. The user will select the values for each one and then press an update button. I am looping through the items in the repeater and can keep count of which iteration I am on in the repeater. I want to also use this count to know what field I need to update. For instance DDL1 = FIELD1, DDL2 = FIELD2, ....).


Here is an example of what I am trying to do:

using (Data.Entities dataContext = new Data.Entities)
    var efObject = dataContext.EFData.Where(c => c.ID = [SOMEID]).First();

    int posCount = 0;
    foreach (RepeaterItem rep1 in repeaterControl.Items)
        DropDownList ddlControl= (DropDownList)rep1.FindControl("ddlControl");

        //Here is where I need to update a field
        //Something like:  efObject.Field# = ddlControl.SelectedValue;


Is there any way to dynamically create the property name I need to update?


Is there some property collection I can access by index?


Is this even remotely close to how I should be going about this?

任何及所有的帮助将非常AP preciated。谢谢你。

Any and all help will be much appreciated. Thank you.



var properties = typeof(EFType).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (var property in properties)
    var control = (DropDownList)rep1.FindControl("ddlControl" + property.Name);
    property.SetValue(efObject, control.SelectedValue, null);

的SelectedValue 是字符串。所以,你需要的,如果需要采取类型转换的照顾。

SelectedValue is string. So you need to take care of type conversion if needed.


