
由网友(風の沙)分享简介:我有一个观察约结构。当我在结构体声明一个属性,如果我不初始化结构体,然后它给了我下面的错误 - 使用未分配的局部变量empStruct的I have one observation about struct. When I declare a property in Struct and if I don't ini...

我有一个观察约结构。当我在结构体声明一个属性,如果我不初始化结构体,然后它给了我下面的错误 - 使用未分配的局部变量empStruct的

I have one observation about struct. When I declare a property in Struct and if I don't initialize the Struct then it gives me the below error - "Use of unassigned local variable empStruct"

PSeduo code -

PSeduo Code-

struct EmpStruct
    private int firstNumber;
    public int FirstNumber
        get { return firstNumber; }
        set { firstNumber = value; }

    public int SecondNumber; 


Program.cs中 -


EmpStruct empStruct;
empStruct.FirstNumber = 5;

但是,当我宣布公共变量则高于code ++工程。

But when I declare public variable then the above code works.

EmpStruct empStruct;


So my question is why compiler not gives error when i try to access variable.(In case of Class it will give the error).



There's a tremendous amount of confusion in this thread.


The principle is this: until all of the fields of an instance of a struct are definitely assigned, you can not invoke any properties or methods on the instance.


This is why your first block of code will not compile. You are accessing a property without definitely assigning all of the fields.


The second block of code compiles because it's okay to access a field without all of the fields being definitely assigned.


One way to definitely assign a struct is to say

EmpStruct empStruct = new EmpStruct();

这将调用默认的无参数的构造函数用于 EmpStruct 这肯定会分配所有的字段。

This invokes the default parameterless constructor for EmpStruct which will definitely assign all of the fields.


The relevant section of the specification is §5.3 on Definite Assignment. And from the example in §11.3.8

没有实例成员函数(包括set访问属性 X )的调用,直到所有该结构的领域正在建设中已明确赋值。

No instance member function (including the set accessors for the properties X and Y) can be called until all fields of the struct being constructed have been definitely assigned.


It would be more helpful (ahem, Eric Lippert!) if the compiler error message were along the lines of

使用不是明确赋值的局部变量 empStruct

Use of not definitely assigned local variable empStruct.


Then it becomes clear what to search for the in the specification or on Google.

现在,请注意,已定义的一个可变的结构。这是危险的,邪恶的。你不应该这样做。相反,添加一个公共构造函数,可以让你绝对分配 firstNumber secondNumber ,并从公共二传手 EmpStruct.FirstNumber

Now, note that you've defined a mutable struct. This is dangerous, and evil. You shouldn't do it. Instead, add a public constructor that lets you definitely assign firstNumber and secondNumber, and remove the public setter from EmpStruct.FirstNumber.


