我如何可以利用.NET对象从Excel VBA中?可以利用、对象、VBA、NET

由网友(萌够就回家)分享简介:能否VBA code实例化和使用.NET对象?具体的类,我感兴趣的是System.IO.Com pression.GZipStream。Can VBA code instantiate and use .NET objects? The specific class I'm interested in is Syst...

能否VBA code实例化和使用.NET对象?具体的类,我感兴趣的是System.IO.Com pression.GZipStream。

Can VBA code instantiate and use .NET objects? The specific class I'm interested in is System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.

对于信息 GAC是.NET全局程序集缓存

For Info GAC is the .NET Global Assembly Cache



I think Andy nailed this answer, but I'm not certain that the aspect regarding the CLR loading rules is exactly right.


The .NET Assembly that holds the class acting as the wrapper for GZipStream would be exposed to COM and registered just like any other COM project library and class. In this regard, VBA would find the location of the COM-exposed .NET assembly via the registry. It might be smart to put the assembly in the GAC, so that it can't move (since moving the assembly would invalidate the registry info), but so long as the registry points to the right place, it should be fine.


A good beginner's tutorial on the subject is here



