
由网友(在深夜里沉沦)分享简介:最近我花了2周的沉寂,从我目前的项目写一个体面的大小文件分析器和一个数字错误检查。我决定把它们写在F#踢和笑声。意想不到的决定。Recently I took a 2 week hiatus from my current project to write a decent sized file parser and...


Recently I took a 2 week hiatus from my current project to write a decent sized file parser and a numerical error checker. I decided to write them in F# for kicks and giggles. Fantastic decision.


The older version of the program written in VB was over 1000 lines; I managed it in 170 in F#. Awesome.


I'm back on my current project now and want to incorporate an F# lib to do some parsing and maybe writing/reading an XML save file. But I cannot seem to figure out how to call an F# library from a C# WPF application for the life of me.

我使用Microsoft Visual 2010专业版,这里就是我试图迄今引用这篇文章:的 http://www.devjoy.com/2013/02/c-to-f-interop-sharing-a-domain-model/ 和一对夫妇SO帖子:

I'm using Microsoft Visual 2010 Professional, here's what I've attempted thus far referencing this article: http://www.devjoy.com/2013/02/c-to-f-interop-sharing-a-domain-model/ and a couple SO posts:

创建一个WPF项目。 在增加了一个F#库项目的解决方案。 添加引用到F#库的C#通过项目:在SolutionExplorer右键点击项目文件,单击添加引用,选择MyFSharpLib从项目选项卡,然后单击添加

然后添加一些测试code到默认的F#文件module1.fs: Create a WPF project. Added an F# library project to the solution. Added a reference to the F# library to C# project via: Right click project file in SolutionExplorer, click 'Add Reference', selected 'MyFSharpLib' from projects tab and click Add.

I then added some test code to the default F# file module1.fs:

module Module1

let Add a b = a + b


WPF开源项目 WPF ControlBase

And tried to call it from C#:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace WpfApplication2
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()

// Call F# library
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    int a = Module1.Add(1, 2);


我认为这个问题是与组件。我注意到,在我见过的有使用Microsoft.FSharp.Core 一对夫妇code样本。这是我痛苦的根源?我试着将它添加,但没有找到它在.NET选项卡下。

I think the problem is with the assemblies. I noticed in a couple code samples I've seen have using Microsoft.FSharp.Core. Is this the source of my grief? I tried adding it and couldn't find it under the .NET tab.


This is driving me crazy, any help would be much appreciated.


看来你找到了答案已经 - 构建F#项目 - 但我会提供一个答案(为后人),以一个问题,这将几乎完全一样的症状,但不同的根本原因。

It seems you found the answer already -- building the F# project -- but I'm going to provide an answer (for posterity) to a problem which would have almost the exact same symptoms, but a different underlying cause.


If you use your example F# code exactly as provided, that is, a module with a simple name (without a namespace), it's important to know that you need to use the global keyword when accessing the F# module from C#. For example, this is how you'd have to call the Add function you defined from C#:

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var result = global::MyModule.Add(1, 2);



