.NET进程的内存使用量= 5×CLR堆内存?内存、使用量、进程、NET

由网友(半人半心半怀念?)分享简介:我想解决了一些内存使用的问题。总的来说我的应用程序收集一些数据值和使用C1 WPF图表和数据网格终于把一切转换成PDF报告,其中可视化I'm trying to tackle down some memory usage issues. Overall my application collects a few da...

我想解决了一些内存使用的问题。总的来说我的应用程序收集一些数据值和使用C1 WPF图表和数据网格终于把一切转换成PDF报告,其中可视化

I'm trying to tackle down some memory usage issues. Overall my application collects a few data values and visualizes them using a C1 WPF charts and datagrids finally putting everything into PDF reports.


Profiling my process using YourKit I'm faced with the situation, that the CLR heap size is ~120MB (which is all fine) while the process memory size is ~580MB. This is nearly 5 times the memory consumption of my actual CLR heap size. My CLR peak size was 220MB vs. 710MB process memory allocation.


I'm well aware that there is some overhead required on my object heap, stacks and so on. In Java JVMs the typical factor I'm used to was around ~1.5x.


How can this excessive memory overhead be explained? Is the processs just allocating free spare heap space? If yes, does this explain the 710MB vs. 220MB?


一对夫妇在这里的其他注意事项。虽然我不exaclty知道你所说的CLR堆大小的意思。 还有的CLR使用约8个不同的堆 - 所以你的内存在堆大小与虚拟内存大小占的部分的区别的看到:

A couple of additional notes here. Though I'm not exaclty sure what you mean by "CLR Heap Size". There about 8 different heaps that the CLR uses - so the memory you see in the Heap Size vs. VM size accounts for some of the difference:

装载机堆:包含CLR结构和类型系统 高频堆:静,MethodTables,FieldDescs,接口映射 在低频堆:EEClass,类加载器和查找表 存根堆:存根中科院,COM包装,P / Invoke的 在大对象堆:需要超过85K字节的内存分配 在GC堆:用户分配的堆内存专用的应用程序 在JIT code堆:由mscoreee(执行引擎)分配的内存和JIT编译器管理code 工艺/基堆:互操作性/​​非托管的分配,本机内存,等等


Two other items which can cause excessive memory usage are memory fragmentation (mostly occurs on the LOH or large object heap) or a high number of Threads.


There are many causes for memory fragmentation and the best way to rule this out is to use WinDbg to analyze the segment sizes for each segment on the GC Heap.


As far as a high number of threads, you have 1MB of stack space allocated for each thread that your app uses. This memory is placed in the Process/Base Heap. Therefore if you have 100 threads, you will have an additional 100MB of memory usage.



