
由网友(心软@)分享简介:我刚刚下载的DotNetOpenAuth库和运行AuthConsumer演示。这是一个很好的库为止!一切工作像宣传的那样,这不是我的经验,拥有大量的Facebook和Twitter的样品code,我一直在与最近。I just downloaded the DotNetOpenAuth library and ran...


I just downloaded the DotNetOpenAuth library and ran the AuthConsumer demo. It is an excellent library so far! Everything worked as advertised, which has not been my experience with a lot of Facebook and Twitter sample code that I have been working with recently.

我试图弄清楚的是:我如何鸣叫使用这个库?我目前计划在ASP MVC实现这一点,但我最初的想法是,presentation平台并不重要,所有的东西,在我期待的水平。

What I am trying to figure out is: How do I tweet using this library? I am currently planning to implement this in ASP MVC, but my initial thoughts is that the presentation platform doesn't matter all that much at the level I'm looking at.


看看的DotNetOpenAuth.ApplicationBlock样品,其中包括Twitter.cs文件和极少数样本Web方法调用该文件了。你可以看到这个模式,并具有看了看twitter.com Twitter的API文档,你可以添加方法鸣叫和一堆其他的东西。

Take a look at the DotNetOpenAuth.ApplicationBlock sample, which includes the Twitter.cs file and the very few sample web method calls that that file has. You can see the pattern, and having looked at the Twitter API documentation on twitter.com, you can add methods to tweet and a bunch of other stuff.

不过,它可能会更容易为您下载 LinqToTwitter ,它采用DotNetOpenAuth及优惠一个广泛的Twitter库去做大多数/所有操作Twitter的支持。

However, it would probably be much easier for you to download LinqToTwitter, which uses DotNetOpenAuth and offers an extensive Twitter library to do most/all the operations Twitter supports.


