
由网友(姆爷 @)分享简介:我想用一些外部服务器端逻辑对查询结果修改属性。要做到这一点,我需要申请微风查询选项,修改结果集,并返回它。I want to use some external server-side logic to modify properties on the results of a query. To do this,...


I want to use some external server-side logic to modify properties on the results of a query. To do this, I'll need to apply the Breeze query options, modify the result set, and return it.

我知道基本上我怎么可以申请 OdataQueryOptions 来我的查询,但我不想错过所有的事情,BreezeJS确实该Web阿比的OData的没有按'吨。例如,我想保持 inlineCount

I know essentially how I can apply OdataQueryOptions to my query, but I don't want to miss out on all the things that BreezeJS does that Web Api's OData doesn't. For example, I want to keep inlineCount.


How can I do this? Is there some way to hook into Breeze's query modifying code?


In case it matters, I'm using Entity Framework 6 and Web Api 2.


好吧,我不知道是否有更好的方法(因为这似乎是一个大量的工作,对什么似乎像这将是一个常见的​​情况) ,但这里是我如何解决这一点。

Ok, I'm not sure if there's a better way (because this seems like a lot of work for what seems like it would be a common use case), but here's how I solved this.

我从 QueryHelper 类继承修改 PostExecuteQuery 方法来执行委托。

I inherited from the QueryHelper class to modify the PostExecuteQuery method to execute a delegate.

public class ExtendedQueryHelper : QueryHelper
    public ExtendedQueryHelperOptions Options { get; set; }

    public ExtendedQueryHelper(ODataQuerySettings querySettings) : base(querySettings)

    public override IEnumerable PostExecuteQuery(IEnumerable queryResult)
        if (Options != null && Options.PostExecuteQueryHandler != null)
            return Options.PostExecuteQueryHandler(queryResult);

        return base.PostExecuteQuery(queryResult);

该委托是一类被称为定义的 ExtendedQueryHelperOptions

public class ExtendedQueryHelperOptions
    public delegate IEnumerable PostExecuteQueryDelegate(IEnumerable queryResult);

    public PostExecuteQueryDelegate PostExecuteQueryHandler { get; set; }

    public void InjectIntoRequest(HttpRequestMessage request)
        request.Properties.Add(EXTENDED_QUERY_HELPER_OPTIONS_KEY, this);

    public static ExtendedQueryHelperOptions GetFromRequest(HttpRequestMessage request)
        object options;
        request.Properties.TryGetValue(EXTENDED_QUERY_HELPER_OPTIONS_KEY, out options);

        return (ExtendedQueryHelperOptions)options;

为了设置这些选项,我不得不从 BreezeQueryableAttribute 继承并注入这些选项时, QueryHelper 是正在创建:

In order to set these options, I had to inherit from BreezeQueryableAttribute and inject these options when the QueryHelper is being created:

public class ExtendedBreezeQueryableAttribute : BreezeQueryableAttribute
    protected HttpRequestMessage Request { get; set; }

    public override void OnActionExecuting(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
        Request = actionContext.Request;

    protected override QueryHelper NewQueryHelper()
        var queryHelper = new ExtendedQueryHelper(GetODataQuerySettings());
        queryHelper.Options = ExtendedQueryHelperOptions.GetFromRequest(Request);

        return queryHelper;


Now I can inject code to be run on the filtered results like this:

public class BreezeController : BaseController

    public IQueryable<Foo> Foos()
        var options = new ExtendedQueryHelperOptions
            PostExecuteQueryHandler = delegate(IEnumerable results) {
                // This code will be run after the querying has been
                // applied by Breeze
                var foos = results.Cast<Foo>().ToList();

                foreach (var foo in foos)
                    foo.ComputedProperty = ComputeSomething();

                return foos;

        // Inject these options into the Request, so the ExtendedBreezeQueryableAttribute
        // can get to them later
        return Db.Foos;

