
由网友(我历史不好别跟我提曾经)分享简介:我无法重现,我们看到在我们的错误日志中的一些错误。I am having trouble reproducing a few errors we are seeing in our error log.这可以作出一个容易得多,如果我知道哪个记录ID的具体方法是使用时,它抛出一个异常。It could be mad...


I am having trouble reproducing a few errors we are seeing in our error log.


It could be made a lot easier if I knew which record ID a specific method was using when it threw an exception.


All of our unhandled exceptions get handled by our global exception handler, which puts all the details of the exception, as well as all the details of the HTTP request, into a log table.


Is there a way to capture the values of all the parameters for the method that threw an exception? Or even better, all the values up the stack trace?



Unfortunately, this is not possible: at the time when you catch the exception in the handler, all the stack frames with the method parameters are gone. Once the control leaves your function, you can no longer access its parameter values.


Since you know the specific function where the crash happens, you could set up an exception handler there to collect all the parameters of interest, and re-throw a wrapped exception. Once the diagnostics is complete, you could revert the code back to normal:

void SuspiciousFunction(string name, long count) {
    try {
        // The code of your function goes here
    } catch (Exception e) {
        var args = new Dictionary<string,object> {
            { "name" , name  }
        ,   { "count", count }
        throw new MySpecialException(e, args);

