
由网友(拒漂.)分享简介:这是一姐的问题我在这里另外一个,不挂,因为我没有张贴此拉视图的。我忙我的第一个动态数据项目和热爱它,当然,我有我想解决,也可能调试自己一些挑战。然而,该框架是在怎么样得到执行一旦你过去的动态控制方面相当密集。 This is a sister question to my other one here, not li...


This is a sister question to my other one here, not linked to because I'm not posting this to pull views of that. I'm busy with my first dynamic data project and loving it, and, of course, I have a few challenges that I'd like to resolve and also maybe debug myself. However, the framework is quite dense in terms of how what gets done once you get past dynamic controls.

我会AP preciate指向一些文章等解释的基础,表是如何搭建的,用于什么类型的数据源,如何编写自定义组件,做多只是在正确的地方在正确的时间(我不喜欢,虽然,约定优于等yadda yadda)。

I would appreciate pointers to some articles etc. that explain the foundations, how tables are scaffolded, what type of data source is used, how do I write custom components that do more than just be in the right place at the right time (I do love that though, convention over etc. yadda yadda).


I have often played with concepts like scaffolding for years, but it was always too much work outside of my requirements to be more than wishful thinking. Now I have it delivered, almost cooked well done, and I think it's great, but so many resources out there only tell me how to use the provided 'tracks', and I still have no clue as to what goes on at the shunting yard.


在code复杂的动态数据:良好的资源,有大量的样品做的事情超出了基础。 HTTP://aspnet.$c$cplex.com/Wiki /View.aspx?title=Dynamic%20Data

Dynamic data on code plex: Good resource, have lots of samples on doing things beyond the basics. http://aspnet.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?title=Dynamic%20Data


Some samples include creating your own view using your own select statement.

马特Berseth写 - http://mattberseth.com/blog/dynamic_data/

Matt berseth - http://mattberseth.com/blog/dynamic_data/


Has some nice tutorials on again doing beyond the basics like creating a custom meta provider that allows you to change the default way your columns are named.

斯蒂芬·诺顿 - http://csharpbits.notaclue.net/

Stephen Naughton - http://csharpbits.notaclue.net/


Several great examples of going more in depth with DD such as globally shutting off foreign key from showing at all.

克雷格·休梅克也有一些伟大的例子,一本书约10 $。这本书是没有大量进入基础虽然。

Craig Shoemaker also has some great examples and a book for about $10. The book isn't heavily into the underpinnings though.

http://weblogs.asp.net/craigshoemaker/归档/标签/动态+数据/ Default.aspx的

HTTP://blogs.msdn。 COM / rickandy /存档/ 2009/01/08 /动态数据faq.aspx - 大资源链接

http://www.asp.net/learn/3.5-SP1/ - 视频对DD ... http://forums.asp.net/1145.aspx - 论坛动态数据...

http://www.asp.net/learn/3.5-SP1/ - video's on DD... http://forums.asp.net/1145.aspx - forums for dynamic data....

您可能也想进入上的LINQ to SQL或LINQ到EF的资源,如果你不是很熟悉这些主题。了解更多有关这些主题和扩展它们也将添加到您的阿森纳DD。

You may also want to get into resources on linq to sql or linq to EF if you aren't very familiar with these topics. Knowing more about these topics and extending them will also add to your arsenal for DD.



